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flat bar conversion

Started by fj1200owl, January 28, 2013, 07:02:02 AM

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Steve, that's a normal Seca. This is what the turbos looked like:

Not everyone understands what a completely rational process this maintenance of a motorcycle is. They think it's some kind of a knack or some kind of affinity for machines in operation. They are right, but the knack is almost purely a process of reason.



Ahh, I remember that bike well. I had an '81 Seca 750 and a buddy of mine had an '82 Seca 650 Turbo. We had us a little drag race and I recall taking him off the line but around the time I was shifting from second to third gear all I saw in my peripheral was the Turbo passing me with the front wheel in the air. I was maybe 18 and he was 19 or 20 and I came up with the smart idea of having the race on my street which also was a dead-end. Nobody got hurt and no animals were harmed in the race, but boy did I get royal shit from my parents for that stunt!!!
I rode that Turbo one time and couldn't believe at how much it pulled once the turbo kicked in. Very non-linear acceleration and very scary! What a bike!

Quote from: fintip on February 07, 2013, 10:35:04 AM
Steve, that's a normal Seca. This is what the turbos looked like:

Ben Zwart
London, ON
1992 FJ1200
1977 KZ200


I had a 650 Seca with the huge headlight.  Loved that bike!  Always wanted to find a 900 engine and slip in there - or a 750 and add the turbo setup from the star wars version pictured above...


would like another, had an 81 750 seca, the one with the fog light under the headlight, dammmm good bike
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Seca 900 w/ 650 turbo fairing. Nice work, belongs to a guy up in Washington.



Finished the flat bar conversion, took 3 hours research to find the right top yoke, which I found on Fleebay for £14 plus £5 delivery just took me an hour in the garage to fit. Looks really well in my opinion .I have put 2 photo's in 'misc photo's' as I can't seem to up load them here.


looks good mate, what top yoke did you end up using
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne



They look real good :)  Ummmm off to e bay :)

Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Quote from: fj1200owl on February 08, 2013, 08:42:13 AM
yamaha XJ 600

Ay up Owl, that's the "new" XJ600 post Diversion isn't it?

What are the yokes like underneath?  Is it machined flat or has it got the cast "rib" effect like on the FJ?

I'm looking at the picture for use on an XS1100 with an FJ front end.

Last time i saw you was at Jacks Hill Cafe on the A5 at Towcester.


Your right it has got a cast rib on the under side. It's not completely finished as the fj ignition switch is about 1.5mm of centre from the xj 600's  (2011) slightly bigger barrel if that make sense. I have a play with it later this week if I get time but I just wanted to see what it looked like and I'm quite pleased with it.

Not me at the Cafe,not been on this bike since IOM last year been doing one or two other projects before this one, so she's not neen out at all.  Will be going up to squires cafe this next month on it as I live up 'norf'


Quote from: fj1200owl on February 08, 2013, 02:55:31 PM
Your right it has got a cast rib on the under side. It's not completely finished as the fj ignition switch is about 1.5mm of centre from the xj 600's  (2011) slightly bigger barrel if that make sense. I have a play with it later this week if I get time but I just wanted to see what it looked like and I'm quite pleased with it.

Not me at the Cafe,not been on this bike since IOM last year been doing one or two other projects before this one, so she's not been out at all.  Will be going up to squires cafe this next month on it as I live up 'norf'


Thanks for the reply there mate.

I thought you were Owl from the FJOC UK.

Anyway, this top yoke conversion could be just what i'm looking for. I'm using some Raask risers, on an FJ front end with some Renthals, on one of my XS1100's, and really need to lose that 33mm from the top of the forks to bring the front down to more like what an XS should be.

Thanks again.


No Probs, the owl bit is from the famous Sheffield Wednesday (well someone has to be).But good look with the project,you sound like myself always got to doing something to some poor bike. Just finished a zzr 1100 from a  j plate, USD forks and zx9 swing arm and wheels and shocker, made a right difference to the thing,proper quick and much better at turning in.

safe riding   


Just scored a top yoke off ebay so i'll see how it goes.
It's a bit of an on-going project, sort of evolving. Using 3CV front end, XJR tank, XJ1100 carbs and ignition pick ups and CDI. The pillion seat looks a bit bulbous with that FJ1100 tail but in the flesh ain't that bad. :crazy:
You can't really see the Raask risers in the picture but they clamp onto the top of the FJ forks where the bars would be.
That's 33mm worth of travel that i've lost compared to the XS. Who knows where it will be this time next year.
It's always good to try to improve over the original manufacturers ideas.  I suppose they try to keep the cost down to the buyer but then it's just their idea of things. WTF do they know  :rofl2: