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flat bar conversion

Started by fj1200owl, January 28, 2013, 07:02:02 AM

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Quote from: Pat Conlon on January 28, 2013, 12:06:52 PM
Did you check the clearance of the plate with your tank installed?

Yes, the plate is bent upward (looks flat but isn't) and it clears the tank by 1/2 - 5/8".  Out of memory under the plate it is shimmed up also. At full lock to lock the clutch reservoir and brake reservoir will just "kiss" the fairing. My hands are outside the fairing. It's just custom fit to me. It's been that way for a year with no problems for me. As a comment I think is slows down the steering a little if that makes any since. My style of riding is more to touring. If your riding is more sport style then different bars might be preferred. What I did is crude and just an exercise in seeing where I would like the bars.
I plan on modifying the whole front end to some degree in the future when my head and pocket book get into it. At the present I am working on the rear end of the bike. One thing at a time...
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Hi George,

Thats looks superb thanks. I will firstly try the 900 Diversion yoke firstly if my colleague is right.If not then I shall follow your lead and make the plate this weekend and see what comes out.



Looking good Hank. Too bad you don't have access to 3000W laser to cut your plate out. If you have dimensions shoot them off to me, maybe I can make some for the donating members of the club.  :good2:
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


My "machine shop" is a Miller MiG welder, grinder, drill press, vise, files and beer :). Pretty crude but functional at this point. I need to work on the front end but for now I am still getting educated on the options. Lots of forum reading....
TNX George
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200

Mark Olson

hell ya , hacksaw and a file with a set of calipers and you can fab anything. :good2:
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


Oh, yea I forgot my 9.95 digital Harbor Freight calipers.......  :good:
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Hey, just a note, there is both an XJ900 and an XJ600. They're pretty different, one is chain, one is shaft. They're both called Diversion in other parts of the world.

Not everyone understands what a completely rational process this maintenance of a motorcycle is. They think it's some kind of a knack or some kind of affinity for machines in operation. They are right, but the knack is almost purely a process of reason.



And if you're in the US, good luck finding anything from an XJ900. 

They were only imported here for one year (1983 I think?).



You guys miss out on all the good bikes , xj,s xjr , but we didn't get the Fj600 so I suppose were even
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Not really I wish I had one of those K. Roberts yellow and Black XJR's.... I like that retro look. Damn Yamaha anyhow for not bringing into the states. FJ 600 ! "humbug" who wants half an FJ ?  :rofl2:
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


When in doubt throttle out


probably a good thing we missed it, they would of sent them fitted with turbo,s anyway, and we all know what bikes in the 80,s with turbo,s were like  :morning1:
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Quote from: SlowOldGuy on January 31, 2013, 02:21:12 PM
And if you're in the US, good luck finding anything from an XJ900. 

They were only imported here for one year (1983 I think?).


They're around



Quote from: fj11.5 on February 05, 2013, 04:41:05 AM
probably a good thing we missed it, they would of sent them fitted with turbo,s anyway, and we all know what bikes in the 80,s with turbo,s were like  :morning1:

We learned that Kawasaki could make them fast and Honda made them last -

Wait, we already knew that......