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Bermagui Manshed Weekend

Started by oldktmdude, June 25, 2017, 07:15:03 AM

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Quote from: FJools on December 10, 2017, 07:33:11 PM
A great weekend at Bermagui, only marred by an unfortunate accident to one of our own during the ride out on Saturday. Best wishes to Troyski for a speedy recovery, we are thinking of you mate and if you need any help you only have to ask.
Many thanks to Pete and Alf (and Gail of course!) for organising this event and providing the beds and tucker for us old buggers.
Thanks especially to Pete for persevering with my centre stand mods and the ignition advance mod. She's sweet as a nut now, even if not as powerful as your beast (lets wait for the dyno shoot out on that one  :blum2:)
Great to meet all the new and old faces again, the weather was perfect and the ride home uneventful.
Even Noel managed to make it on his krautbus LOL
Thanks Jools for making the effort to attend. I have to agree, it was a great weekend. Thanks also to all the others that came along to contribute to a fantastic time. Troy's accident certainly hit all of us hard but thankfully it was not worse than it was. A big thanks to FJ Pete (paramedic) and Johno, who attended to Troy until the ambulance arrived. As Jools said, our thoughts and best wishes are with you Troy. Speedy recovery mate.
   Regards, Pete.
1985 FJ1100 x2 (1 sold)
2009 TDM 900
1980 Kawasaki Z1R Mk11 (sold and still regretting it)
1979 Kawasaki Z650 (sold)
1985 Suzuki GSXR 400 x2 (next project)
2001 KTM 520 exc (sold)
2004 GasGas Ec300
1981 Honda CB 900 F (sold)
1989 Kawasaki GPX 600 Adventure


Sorry to hear about your Troy's accident, wishing you a Speedy recovery also mate.
Which hospital did he get transferred to Pete? Hoping it was closer to Nowra.

From Jools report it sounded like a good weekend.

Cheers Alan
1984 FJ1100
1979 Kawasaki Z1300
1972 Honda CB750/4 K2


Quote from: oldktmdude on December 12, 2017, 04:50:28 AM
  G'day Randy, Troy had a fairly serious accident and had to be taken to hospital. Later that evening, after various scans etc, he was air lifted to a major hospital with better care to offer for his injuries. He has a fractured pelvis and some fractures to his lower vertebrae. He will be laid up for some time.
I will keep you up to date on his progress.
  Regards, Pete.

Wow, yes please keep us updated.

This is bad news.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Quote from: racerrad8 on December 12, 2017, 11:39:04 AM
Quote from: oldktmdude on December 12, 2017, 04:50:28 AM
  G'day Randy, Troy had a fairly serious accident and had to be taken to hospital. Later that evening, after various scans etc, he was air lifted to a major hospital with better care to offer for his injuries. He has a fractured pelvis and some fractures to his lower vertebrae. He will be laid up for some time.
I will keep you up to date on his progress.
  Regards, Pete.

Wow, yes please keep us updated.

This is bad news.

Randy - RPM
I spoke to Troy this afternoon and he seems to be in good spirits. His pain medication has been making him ill so it has been minimised.
He will be in hospital for at least 6 weeks. At present, he is in the Canberra hospital but is trying to get moved closer to his family who are about 2.5 to 3hours away at the moment. Hopefully he can get transferred to Nowra which is his home town.
He is already talking about rebuilding his FJ. I gave him a brief outline of what parts may be needed so he can fill in some of his hospital time by tracking down parts.
   Hopefully his injuries heal quickly and he can get back to his normal routine.
   Regards, Pete.
1985 FJ1100 x2 (1 sold)
2009 TDM 900
1980 Kawasaki Z1R Mk11 (sold and still regretting it)
1979 Kawasaki Z650 (sold)
1985 Suzuki GSXR 400 x2 (next project)
2001 KTM 520 exc (sold)
2004 GasGas Ec300
1981 Honda CB 900 F (sold)
1989 Kawasaki GPX 600 Adventure


 :shok: Gees not the sort of thing that you want to happen to anyone attending a Manshed/Ride weekend. As long as Troy is not too banged up and will make a speedy recovery thats all we can ask for. Not sure what happened to his FJ, but I'm sure we have the technology and know how to rebuild her,
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link

The General

So glad you had a great weekend guys. A mate broke his hip (in 4 places) while riding my pushbike 8 weeks ago. (Along with 4 ribs, shoulder blade & collapsed lung) and is now back to daily training. Hopefully Troy you will have a similar speedy recovery.
(Sorry I couldn`t be there).
I do like the idea of a northern Sydney Manshed day in the near future.    :drinks:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)


Now I have that out of the way, what happened?

I'm not totally sure except that I lost my bottle in a corner that I should have been able to negotiate.

A simple case of the rider underperforming the bike.

I remember being in a gear lower than I should have and getting a compression lock. I also remember seeing around a fair amount of the corner and not seeing any traffic. The next is a WAG, but I think I froze or grabbed a brake and Yummy spat me off.

My punishment for being incompetent is a long recovery and expensive surgery to Yummy. My guilt is fucking up an awesome weekend arranged by Pete, Alf, and Gail. And WORSE GUILT is scaring the living shit out of my family, plus the now considerable inconvenience they'll be put to during the holiday season.

Super thanks to everyone for helping me out. Special thanks to Pete M & Johno. You guys may well have save my legs. Also thanks to Pete (ktm) for sorting out my bike.

1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)


Holy shit Troy! That bloody x-ray makes my skin crawl, but you're not the first that has hapenned to. Which means the skilled guys and gals who rebuild people daily should make you good as new.

Your poor FJ, looks a little worse for wear in the photos, but like you can be rebuilt to near perfect. Stay positive, these things can happen when you least expect it, just dont do it again!!
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link


Hi Troy ,,,,,, Bugger ,,,,, Sorry to here about this Mate , Hope everything  is as good as it possible can be at this time for you  and  that you are a fast healer . If you need any thing done at all just give me a P message , I am just down the road at Sussex Inlet . If you need to get your Bike back to Nowra  I have a tilt Trailer and I could meet up with ktm Pete 1/2 way along the HWY and bring it back to Nowra  and put it in your Shed . Just give me a message anytime . Best of luck with everything  ,regards Phil
""Past Bikes""
Suzuki Stinger 125        
Honda 350/4
Kawasaki Z1000
Suzuki GS1000
Kawasaki GPZ900R
Yamaha FJ1100 84
Yamaha FJ1100 85
1991 FJ1200
1990 FJ1200  Pinky
2006 FJR1300
1980 GS850
Z500 /4
"""Present Bikes""": 
  1985 FJ1100
FJ1200  94

Pat Conlon

Hey Troy, so sorry to see this happen to you, and, as you so correctly mentioned, to your family. FJ's can be fixed, easily, but your injury will take some time and patience. It is important to forgive yourself. Shit happens.

Looking at your xray, is there a strategy to reduce the fracture? Watch out for OIC constipation caused by your pain killers.

I am a long way from you, but if I can help you with anything, please reach out. I'm sure all your FJ brothers here in the states feel the same.

Rest easy.

1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Hey Troyski.
I hope you mend up well. Look after yourself and listen to the Physio and Occupational Theapist (i am biased there as i work as a therapy assistant) and you will be on the road to recovery before you know it. I hope that Yummy is fixable as I know how much you put into her, But fix you first then her. Do not be suprised if you ever your loving bans you from 2 wheels for a bit, but give her time too.
I hope to catch up with you in March at the rally or if not then I am planning a trip down south just before the rally.

Heal Well
My Baby (Sparkles)
84 FJ1100/1200 motor
92 FJ 1200 - Project bike. Finished and sold.
84 FJ1100 - Project bike.

Hi Troy.
Heal well mate and don't worry about Yummy.
Just concentrate on getting yourself back on the road.
I'm sure you will have plenty of assistance in putting her back together.
Look forward to catching up in March.
89 FJ 1200 Shiny Black
89 FJ 1200 x 3 Red White Silver
92 XR 250
Life is pretty straight without twisties


Thanks fellas,
I am one lucky bugger.
Ray & Mark, Yummy is pretty fixable and my wife is already supporting a repair.
She also suggested I do another shed day at my place.
Phil, I reckon I'll probably take up your offer, thanks buddy.
Pat, spot on mate RE the constipation. As for stabilising the fracture, there are two other cracks so they've put a plate in plus a bunch of screws.
The other damage to my spine turned out to be old stuff that's has turned into mild arthritis (now I know why my back aches for no reason).
Now the hospital folks are informed of , and really like ATGATT. The in house councillors thought it was hoot.
Darren & Mark, perhaps Yummy & I will be ready to roll in time :good2:
1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)

Pat Conlon

1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line: