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Header down tubes

Started by FJscott, August 15, 2013, 09:52:13 AM

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I hope you Know Randy I and i'm sure a lot of us Apprecieate everything you do for FJ's and if I was close to ya like Mike I'd guinea pig myself to help everyone else here by testing and designing parts so our rides on this classic steed can continue on...
Thank you Randy and RPM
2009 FJR 1300
1992 FJ 1200
1987 FJ 1200 Sold
1986 FJ 1200 Sold
1985 Venture Royale
1976 GoldWing
1986 FZ 750
1986 GPZ 900
1984 Honda Nighthawk S 750
1982 Honda Nighthawk 450


I don't give a shit about that stuff above, but  I can tell you that I've met Randy, his Mrs and one of the boys at Randy's shop and at Rallies.
What you see is what you get, a straight up, no bullshit bloke who looks after his family, friends and business in an honourable way.
Helpful beyond belief too, he's fixed my rear brakes on the Aprilia no less than twice now, wouldn't even take a beer for it.
I've never even bought anything off him,it's just how he is.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


"Sleeping with the enemy" or "In the bed with the enemy" is a term that has been widely used by politicians, business and the media for centuries. It is not intended to be literally translated but figuratively describes a close relationship, commercial, political etc.

"Getting a room" has the same connotation, but is ALWAYS used tongue in cheek or humorously. Even the dictionary describes it as a "humorous comment." It is commonly used on television and if the exact same exchange were to take place face to face, and the delivery noted, I would be amazed if anyone took offence or viewed it as offensive. It's a throw away line.

Mike and Randy, for reasons that completely befuddle me, have taken it literally and subsequently taken offence.

Randy, the slight difference in wording between Arnie's original comment and his repeating of it today is hair splitting, and although you make much of it, does not change the sentiment or meaning of it one iota, nor do I believe it was intended to.  You are reading things into it that simply aren't there.

I don't know why you even bought into this. Arnie's positive comments about you, your business and your products earlier is exactly what he believes privately. He likes you, he likes your products and thinks the service you provide to FJ owners is invaluable and the community better for it. What else can a guy say to win your favour? He has expressed all of those views to me as recently as last week in a different context. Nor do I ever recall him saying anything derogatory about you on the forum. If the extent of what has been said is what was posted this morning, I can't possibly see what your pissed at.

Mike, that is one hell of an over reaction and then you drift off into all sorts of totally unrelated experiences.

I will not comment on the need or wisdom of Arnie making that comment, other than to say, by anyone's standards, it was not malicious. But, he did have the sense to PM it. If Mike didn't like it he should have taken his own advice and ignored it. However, he was obviously sufficiently enraged to reply. The reply is rambling and littered with name calling and abuse towards Arnie. And, unlike Arnie's one liner, there is absolutely no doubt it is intended. That's a lot of criticism to draw from one comment.

A serious error of judgement though was to call him "dumb shit stupid" without explanation of the forum. As if that's not going to stir things up!

Not a Lib, earlier you apologised on Mike's behalf saying, knowing him personally, you guessed he wished he could retract that statement. Well, it was a couple of weeks between posts, that's hardly a knee jerk reaction and he has clearly been brooding over it.

Scott, you accuse Arnie of hijacking 'your' thread to air his dirty linen. He and Mike had taken a swing at each other a few weeks back and that was the end of it. I believe it was who ever baited Arnie by posting the "dumb shit stupid" comment that hijacked your thread.

I am a completely disinterested party in this bit of campfire biffo. I'm in no one's corner. However, I having been on the receiving end of some very disgusting and threatening mail from members here over a  genuine question I asked about guns some time back. The question was immediately twisted into something else and then gathered momentum until it had absolutely nothing to do with what I asked and I'm suddenly getting abused for views I never expressed.

So, I get pissed off when I see it happening. I see it's started already with people jumping to Randy's defence as if he's been slighted, which he hasn't.

Ironically, this very post will probably be viewed by some as taking sides.


"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"



Quote from: ribbert on August 17, 2013, 07:52:34 PM

A serious error of judgement though was to call him "dumb shit stupid" without explanation of the forum. As if that's not going to stir things up!

Not a Lib, earlier you apologised on Mike's behalf saying, knowing him personally, you guessed he wished he could retract that statement. Well, it was a couple of weeks between posts, that's hardly a knee jerk reaction and he has clearly been brooding over it.

Noel, I'll give you the benefit of doubt, and assume that you misunderstood my earlier post.  I was referring to the 'dumb shit stupid' comment as well, not any PM conversations that were exchanged.

Regardless, my post was not an apology... just my take on things.  Why you'd think I would presume to apologize for another adult is beyond me.

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350


Quote from: not a lib on August 17, 2013, 09:22:26 PM

Noel, I'll give you the benefit of doubt, and assume that you misunderstood my earlier post.  I was referring to the 'dumb shit stupid' comment as well, not any PM conversations that were exchanged.

Regardless, my post was not an apology... just my take on things.  Why you'd think I would presume to apologize for another adult is beyond me.

You're absolutely right. It occurred to me at the time it was probably not the appropriate word and I never went back to it. I apologise.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Quote from: ribbert on August 17, 2013, 09:45:25 PM
Quote from: not a lib on August 17, 2013, 09:22:26 PM

Noel, I'll give you the benefit of doubt, and assume that you misunderstood my earlier post.  I was referring to the 'dumb shit stupid' comment as well, not any PM conversations that were exchanged.

Regardless, my post was not an apology... just my take on things.  Why you'd think I would presume to apologize for another adult is beyond me.

You're absolutely right. It occurred to me at the time it was probably not the appropriate word and I never went back to it. I apologise.


It's cool, I just figured if you had misunderstood, perhaps others may have as well.   :unknown:

We all say things now and then that come out wrong.

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350


I haven't commented here yet and believe me that has been very difficult, in fact extremely difficult indeed but after these latest emails I am unable to contain myself.

Randy is one of natures true gentlemen, he has done more for me in the last 2 years then a lot of people would know, last year before I went to the US he personally went out of his way to buy my US bike for me, then proceeded to present the bike for me from a list of requirements I had passed to him.
To say I would bend over backwards to recommend his products is a minor understatement to the point last year I said there was no need for the fork braces and were a waste of money!!
Well this year when I was there I fitted a brace and boy what a difference, man I have to listen to what more knowledgeable people then me have to say in future.

Mike Ramos is someone who has been one of those people who either inspires people or annoys people. While I'm no angel some of the things I've seen Mike do makes me wonder I would be the 1st to stand up and say thanks Mike well done, this guy like a lot of our community both here in Australia and the US would bend over backwards to help out and I should know after my 2 trips to the US.

Now the 3rd person in this post ARNIE mmmmmmmmmm what can I say........ Arnie has a past history for making some smart arsed comments about subjects he has no idea about or even preconceived ideas about which can be extremely frustrating in fact so frustrating after an exchange between us I didn't speak to him for over 5 years,   but at the end of the day Arnie's heart is in the right place but he just never knows when to shut up.
One day he may learn.......  MAYBE!!!!

Oh by the way I"M a HUGE FAN OF RPM these guys KICK ASS  :good2: :good2:



Quote from: baldy3853 on August 18, 2013, 09:40:34 AM

Randy is one of natures true gentlemen.....


Quote from: Arnie on August 17, 2013, 10:30:16 AM

I have no argument with Randy, or his business.  I think Randy is a great guy, very knowledgeable about FJs, who goes out of his way to help whenever possible.

So, Baldy, you're just expanding on what Arnie said this morning then. Good, everyone agrees.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Okay, I have heard from Arnie via PM and that is where I am going to leave this off-topic, topic regarding the comments made by Arnie.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Did we finish with the topic - header down tubes?


Yah are all years stainless? I thought some weren't.
86 fj1350r
86 fj1380t turbo drag toy (soon)
87 fj1200 865 miles crashed for parts
89 fj1200 touring 2up
87 fzr1000 crashed
87 fzr750r Human Race teams world endurance champion
93 fzr600 Vance n hines ltd for sale
Custom chopper I built
Mini chopper I built for my daughter just like the big 1


Quote from: giantkiller on August 18, 2013, 09:25:05 PM
Yah are all years stainless? I thought some weren't.

Ya hafta go all the way back to the first page for that...     :biggrin:

Quote from: red on August 16, 2013, 08:19:42 AM
Quote from: ken65 on August 16, 2013, 03:21:31 AM
what year again did they go to SS, thanks

1986-1993 all have the same Part Numbers for those pipes, and (I would assume) they are probably made from the same materials.

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350


Once started,    the polishing never finishes............... :lol: :lol:

Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


George - looks like that under seat exhaust mod you've got going would make is a bit too hot for summertime use!