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Carbie balance tool

Started by relick62au, July 06, 2013, 04:56:13 AM

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I want to balance my carbies so I'm looking for a carbie balancing tool. Can anyone recommend a good one or give me an ideea on how to make one. I was thinking of setting up 4 automotive vacuum guages but I dont know if the vacuum generated will be within their working range. Any help would be appreciated.


Try Randy at RPM, he provides many things for our FJs, including this

If you are really on a budget you can make your own.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side

mr blackstock


I bought a cheap one of the net a year or two ago, and it worked out really good.  If you want top of the line, you can pay top dollar and get the best job, I wanted something to use that would work enough to get it to the mechanics, it turned out balanced enough the mechanic needed to do nothing.

scroll halfway down the page for the picture, looks like circular tubes.

I searched ebay but the seller not selling them.

D.I.Y can work well, may take awhile to perfect.

cheers, Gareth
Squeaky wheels always get the grease...

Yamaha FJ1100 1985


Here is what I use. The "restrictors" are out of a 5.00 Harbor Freight brake bleed kit. You can do 2 cyl at a time as per the factory service manual but you could build a 4 tube unit. The restictors are the key to the unit. I use 2 stock oil and the clear tubing is 1/4 inch I think. I based it on the one FJmonkey gave you the link for , It is large but very accurate and good for fine tuning. My estimate is 1 inch of fluid movement in the tube is about the same as 1/8 inch in the smaller sticks.


Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200



92 FJ1200 2008 ZX14 Forks, wheels, 2008 cbr 600 RR swingarm
92 FJ1200 2009 R1 Swinger, Forks, Wheels, 2013 CBR 1000 Shock
90 FJ 1200 (Son # 2), Stock
89 FJ 1200 Built from parts: (Brother bought it) mostly 92 parts inc. motor
84 FJ 1100 (Son #1), 89 forks wheels, blue spots

89 FJ 1200 Shiny Black
89 FJ 1200 x 3 Red White Silver
92 XR 250
Life is pretty straight without twisties



The Morgan isn't cheap.  But it has the hallmark of a great tool... it makes the job take almost no time once set up, and it's easy to get perfect results.

Otherwise, do roughly the same as shown above and make one.  It'll be a little more fiddly, but you can get great results for a tiny expense.


Quote from: FJmonkey on July 06, 2013, 05:33:40 AM
If you are really on a budget you can make your own.

I made one like that. I used it on my FJ and it worked great. Purrs like a kitten.
1993 FJ1200 ABS

1984 FJ600, up on blocks

1986 FJ1200, flaming wreck, repaired and sold
1986 FJ1200, repaired, ridden, sold

I don't want a pickle
I just want to ride my motorcicle