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Greetings from South Africa :-)

Started by DavidAT, June 13, 2013, 02:57:06 PM

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Hi All

Greetings from Sunny South Africa!

I fell in love with the FJ when I saw my 1st 1100 in the early 1990's.  Couldn't afford one then as I was in College, but last year Feb I finally bought a 1991 (registered) 3CV SilkyWhite FJ1200.  Still in original condition.

What a beautiful Machine, still looks stunning for 22 years old and such a comfortable Ride!  I'm 6'2" and this bike just fits me like a glove! 
Every time the upgrade bug nags me, and I start looking around, I just need to climb aboard, go for spin, and I then recover from my moment of insanity thinking I could ever sell her!

The only upgrade I've done since owning her was replacing the hoses last year with braided hoses.  What a difference, and I highly recommend it to anyone still thinking about getting  it done.  The increased response, feel and stopping power is so much improved!

I look forward to going through this website and reading all about your experiences.

Safe Riding Guys 'n Gals.



Welcome mate, did you realise you may catch moditis, now you've upgraded the hoses, you'll get the fever to keep upgrading,   :good2:, but don't panic,  we've all got moditis on here  :biggrin:
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Welcome mate, the need to upgrade is not assuaged by ridding your FJ, it intensifies it as you ponder how much better the last mod felt.... The braided lines feel sooooo much better and I only need two fingers for most braking. What if I get the RPM spin-on oil filter adapter and make oil changes that much more nicer???? Or a Corbin seat, or a fork brace, the 17" wheels will give me better tire choices..... And the torment goes on and on.  :dash2: :dash2: :dash2: :dash2: The pain can be pleasure.... My FJ is my mistress...
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


Welcome to the site David ! This is the place to learn and grow with the FJ :bye2: The info here is endless. Very helpfull fellow FJers to help answer all questions gl
1980 GT80( dirt) gone 1979 IT250  ( have)
1975 MX400(dirt) gone
1979 RD400 gone
1980 KZ1000st/ shattered right arm/ (ouch) gone thank GOD!
1995 FZR600 ( missed @gone)


Welcome to the forum !! Lot of good information and members here.  :lol:
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Welcome to the group. There is one or two members here that are from South Africa. Any questions that you have concerning the FJ, just ask. We all love questions and photos of the FJ's

I'm not the fastest FJ rider, I am 'half-fast', the fastest slow guy....

2008 VFR800 RC46 Vtec
1996 VFR750 RC36/2
1990 FJ1300 (1297cc) Casper
1990 VFR750 RC36/1 Minnie
1989 FJ1200 Lazarus, the Streetfighter Project
1985 VF500F RC31 Interceptor


Wow......SA....huh........welcome aboard and greetings from the frozen chosen
Never regret your choices in life ! There is no way to go back to do it again and compare. Make the most and do your best with every decision you make

Electric Mealie

Greetings from another S.A. FJ1100 enthusiast.

1984 Model with 102 000 Km on the clock. So far all I've had to do besides the regular maintenance is replace the timing chain at 92 000 Km, I'm busy redoing the starter clutch, I battle a bit to get it started in the morning (Starter clutch slips out to early and then the starter just whines ) but once it's warmed up no problems. Anyway good luck with the bike and hopefully many enjoyable and problem free Km's ahead.
