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Boo Boo

Started by racerrad8, January 09, 2013, 10:29:05 PM

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Well, I had a smart phone failure over the weekend. So the new phone arrived and I was trying to upload the email onto the phone again just a little while ago.

So, I am in my email on my new phone, not the same program and somehow I manage to delete my inbox content.

So, if you have sent me an email in the last week or so and I have not responded please resend the email.

I think I lost close to 300 messages and I know not all of them were from this forum, but this is the start.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


So, I am in my email on my new phone, not the same program and somehow I manage to delete my inbox content.

I think I lost close to 300 messages and I know not all of them were from this forum, but this is the start.

Randy - RPM

Ding A Ling :shout:  :rofl2: