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turn signal switch-etc.

Started by bigbore2, December 14, 2012, 02:32:15 PM

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When I am driving around town i find that I am not using my turn signal as often as I should and just use hand signals.  I know this is more dangerous and the reason why I don't use my turn signals more is because if I wear out my switch or something breaks, finding another would be difficult.  I went thru it and cleaned and regreased it earlier this year.  Can we use an FZR or other piece if my stock unit fails?
I really need to use my signals ALL the time.


I use my signals when it is a courtesy to do so.  Like when I'm turning in and someone is pulling out.

But since beginning to commute in fairly heavy traffic earlier this year, I've stopped using them to signal lane changes.  I find that cars are CONSTANTLY trying to block me or cut me off and it was worse when I gave them any warning. 

(Warning, rant ahead!)
Most of the time the idiots are going slower than the speed limit and I'm just trying to find an open spot to ride in or avoid getting totally boxed in.  I've noticed that they will ride right next to me, no matter how much I speed up or slow down.  And they usually pull up beside me and block me from changing lanes and JUST SIT THERE when traffic is clear in front of them (while I'm block by traffic in front of me).

I seem to get through traffic much easier when I don't tell them what my lane changing intentions are.



I've fitted xjr switches both sides of my 84, fairly easy to do, and the info should be in the files somewhere
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


The best thing about FJs is that they have the power to get you out of just about any traffic situation you can come with.  With my friends in the Santa Muertes of Mexico, I learned how to get through centre of Mexico City (27,000,000 people) while in a gridlock which is most of the time.  You have to be an aggressive as well as quick thinking.  These guys are serious bikers and can move through traffic incredibly quick while driving loaded dressers, apehangers or whatever other make there is.  For those of you who have not driven in Latin America, it is nice to be somewhere where most motorcyclists could care less which bike you drive (even the Harley riders, imagine).  In Latin America, an FJ will get a lot of attention because they do not see big bore superbikes very often and almost never with a good pilot.  Everybody thinks my FJ is brand new although it is a 93 and not super shiny.  The latin bikers also respect anyone instantly who will drive down here from somewhere else in the world.  It is an eye opening experience and I recommend it to everybody.

Would love to drive around Europe some day and especially would love to see all of Australia and New Zealand (being a Lord of the Rings fanatic as well). 

The General

Quote from: 93fj1200 on December 14, 2012, 04:18:45 PM

Would love to drive around Europe some day and especially would love to see all of Australia and New Zealand (being a Lord of the Rings fanatic as well). 
Sounds like ya better start planning for your Aussie assault for March 2014. Tha commitee already has a coupla votes in for the Snowy mountains area of NSW. (Only it won`t be snowing then) Mountains=twisties=FJfun.  :drinks:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Quote from: bigbore2 on December 14, 2012, 02:32:15 PM
When I am driving around town i find that I am not using my turn signal as often as I should and just use hand signals.  I know this is more dangerous and the reason why I don't use my turn signals more is because if I wear out my switch or something breaks, finding another would be difficult.  I went thru it and cleaned and regreased it earlier this year.  Can we use an FZR or other piece if my stock unit fails?
I really need to use my signals ALL the time.

Don't use it in case you wear it out.
Where and with what do you draw the line?
I hope you're winding us up on this one.
Risking life, limb and machine so you don't wear out the indicators you don't use in case you decide to use them at some point in the future.
I'm with David and don't always use mine, like when there is no other traffic around that needs to be informed of my intentions, but when other road users need to know where you are going it is crazy not to signal your intent and hand signals do not work.

When you get cleaned up by a car by not using your indicators, your theory of "if something breaks, finding another would be difficult" will apply to the entire bike and most likely a few bones.  If and when it wears out, worry about it then, it's just a switch after all.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


   Isn't it strange how there have been numerous posts on this Forum (some very recently) about how to fit HIDs, LED turn signals and LED running lights, to make our bikes safer on the roads and then you get a post about trying to SAVE turn signal switches instead of the rider's life. It goes to show how different some of our priorities can be.   :scratch_one-s_head:     Regards, Pete.
1985 FJ1100 x2 (1 sold)
2009 TDM 900
1980 Kawasaki Z1R Mk11 (sold and still regretting it)
1979 Kawasaki Z650 (sold)
1985 Suzuki GSXR 400 x2 (next project)
2001 KTM 520 exc (sold)
2004 GasGas Ec300
1981 Honda CB 900 F (sold)
1989 Kawasaki GPX 600 Adventure


Quote from: oldktmdude on December 15, 2012, 02:55:03 AM
   Isn't it strange how there have been numerous posts on this Forum (some very recently) about how to fit HIDs, LED turn signals and LED running lights, to make our bikes safer on the roads and then you get a post about trying to SAVE turn signal switches instead of the rider's life. It goes to show how different some of our priorities can be.   :scratch_one-s_head:     Regards, Pete.

I was thinking the same way about that as well as when I heard about people not wanting to use their clutches to save wear and tear.  I think if the line between being able to drive or not drive is repairing your lights or changing or repairing your clutch is so tight, maybe it is less expensive to drive a scooter/moped.  They are easy and economical to repair and get better mileage.  (Kind of like shutting off the stove gas when you flip the bacon)

I have seen the same money-saving mentality down here in Panama (cheap = tacaño).  The people don´t stop or signal for stop signs because they don´t want to wear out their brakes but then drive only 30-50 kph on the highway. (seriously).  Always thought it was very ironic that latin people who are normally quite patient and will wait in line at a bank or anywhere else  for hours but when you put them behind the wheel, they are the most impatient people you have ever seen.  Horns will start beeping before the light even turns green.

If you plan a trip down into latin america, you need to be extra alert because you literally do not know what they will do next.  In Colombia, the drivers are quite good but very aggressive.  In Ecuador, they are dangerous because they will do more crazy things that you would never expect.  Panama is full of incompetent drivers who don´t know any better.  I would love to see what the driver´s test is like.  I found Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to be not as bad but still need to be very aware of the bad roads and drivers. 

Safe driving and use your signals please.  If there is an accident, at least you will not be partly or wholly at fault.
One of five people using their signals in Panama.


I dont give them a chance to box me in I ride pretty near the white line most of the time and if they try to pull up the inside of me and cut me off they get a kick . 99% of the time though I get no hassle from car drivers . In fact in Norfolk UK where I live the car drivers will mover over a little bit to let you pass if you are filtering .
Buy a car ? Why in the hell would I want to do THAT ???


Quote from: fj12_rider on December 15, 2012, 10:31:27 AM
I dont give them a chance to box me in I ride pretty near the white line most of the time and if they try to pull up the inside of me and cut me off they get a kick . 99% of the time though I get no hassle from car drivers . In fact in Norfolk UK where I live the car drivers will mover over a little bit to let you pass if you are filtering .

besides filtering being illegal here, it would be a great way to catch an open car door or even two drivers comspiring to pinch you... People are crazy behind the wheel..... they will drive 30mph in a 55 for miles and then whenever there is a passing zone they will punch it up to 80....only to slow back down again once the passing zone ends. 

I'm lucky and glad my favorite twisty bits are right out my backyard so i dont have to do any city or highway riding.


Mark Olson

here in California, drivers box you in when you turn on the turn signal whether you are driving a car or riding a motorcycle.

The practice I use is to signal as you make your move . When I used to drive a bobtail the rule was let the blinker flash twice then move over and cut'em off.
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


I removed the indicators on my bike in the mid eighties when i was a London despatch rider, so as not to get them caught up on cars and annoy the drivers, also helps get through narrow gaps, and i've carried on without indicators to this day.
Indicators are for pussies. :bye2:


Don't use the original switches, the copper will corrode faster so you  will need new switches anyway  :lol:
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


I indicate for two simple reasons to let people know in advance what I am doing and by not indicating it draws attention to you by the local traffic police who are well known for their sympathetic treatment of motorcycles, who will not only fine you for not indicating but will give your motorcycle a free safety inspection and offer expert advice on a subject they are deemed by the courts as subject matter experts  :dash1:.

Plus I abuse the crap out of cage drivers who do not indicate so I figure I have to set a higher standard.

I do filter but with ANPR gaining in popularity here its becoming harder to avoid detection. The state government is going to trial it here in Feb 2013

I have kleptomania,
but when it gets bad,
I take something for it.


92 FJ1200

Mark Olson

Quote from: FJ111200 on December 15, 2012, 01:56:14 PM

Indicators are for pussies. :bye2:

Well you are what you eat , so you must be a dick.  :rofl: :sarcastic:
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"