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86 FJ Hard to start

Started by FJ12, August 14, 2009, 03:43:39 PM

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Hi, my bike is very slow to turn over as sounds like it's going to not start and flatten battery, i the checked it is charging with a multimeter and that was ok so brought a new battery, but the problem is still there. Anyone got any idea's.
Thanks Colin
86 & 93 FJ 'S


Assuming it runs fine once it's going and that new battery has a good charge, you might try hooking the battery directly to the starter to see if it's the starter itself. If that's fine, use your multimeter and start checking the electrics between the battery and the starter.
"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"


First of I would have a look at the battery and make sure it is up to the task, use a multi meter and check to see if it is holding 12v. Second, check starter connections and make sure they are clean and tight. The third thing I would look at if that didn't improve things was pull the starter and clean the armature. Sometimes the aremature gets clogged with dust, (clean out the grooves) and clean and lube the bushings, check the brushes for wear and replace as necessary, reinstall starter and give it a crank. Others may have more suggestions but that is where I would start.

Good luck


You are describing all my hard starting problems. My problem was poor battery maint. The bike would sit for weeks/months with no activity, I did not check/top off the water, I killed batteries.  :dash2:

Now I run the bike once a week (more for my own good than the bikes), check the battery for proper fluid level and keep a battery tender on it. Now it starts when I hit the button. My next project is to check the starter motor and alternator for preventative maint. Others have found the system over charging and killing the battery. Check the voltage at higher RPMs. If you check fluid levels, an over charged battery will need to be refilled often if your ride during the week or on long rides. Let us know what you find, your feedback will likely help others.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


Thanks for the advice guys, i will check out the connections and starter and let you know what i find.
86 & 93 FJ 'S