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Centerstand dimensions

Started by squidley63, July 18, 2012, 08:09:21 AM

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I am looking for someone to measure up a stock centerstand for me.  I have the attachment points, but no idea on the dimensions that one would need to be.  I have a couple that I picked up at a scrap yard that are close to bolting up, but they are both different lengths and I'm not sure what would work on my 89 FJ.  I have been looking on ebay, but nothing has shown up...I am trying to change out my fork seals and change out the oil in the forks this weekend and am needing something to get the job done without having to worry about dumping the bike over on it's side.  Would really appreciate any help y'all could give me.


Centre stand is 230mm / 9" from centre of bolt hole to base but if your only raising it for service work, as long as it lifts the back wheel off the ground it doesn't matter, within reason.
Also, if it's only for servicing, no need to bolt it up, just stick a length of steel rod or big screwdriver through the holes.
"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Thanks for the dimensions.  I intend on only using it for servicing the bike so I'm thinking pins through the attachment point.  I just didn't want it too tall to get it up there easily and didn't want to spend a lot of time making one work for me only to find out it was too long and having to rebuild it at home instead of the nice shop I have access to at work :)