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Jet Help

Started by 88 gtu, May 14, 2012, 09:08:12 PM

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88 gtu

I just switched my bike from stock to individual filters and a vance & hines 4 into 1 exhaust. What size jets do i need??
Thanks, Brian


Hi Brian,
     As you are probably aware, the folks here are very knowledgeable about this. One thing they are not is psychic (perhaps psychotic). I have a running thread at the moment called "UNI PODS, manual petcock..." this may give you some idea as to how to formulate your questions. Also I found a rich knowledge base within the Files section under the "Child Board" Carburetors. Good luck with your mods. Im looking forward to reading about your progress.



88 gtu

Well thank you "andyb" I searched Haaaaarrrrddd and did not see that one. What i did see was about 10 different jet combos and figured someone had this same setup and could steer me in the right direction.


Stock carb internals?  Or jet kit? 

Main jet will depend on the needle you have - can vary from 112.5 to 135 (those are Mikuni main jet numbers) or the corresponding Dynojet number.

If stock needles on a US model - will have to shim them to get the mid range right.