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Two motorcyclists pulled over for 149 in a 65 zone...bonus: they were both cops!

Started by Marsh White, July 11, 2009, 06:47:33 PM

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Marsh White

Article here (with cop dash cam video too):

They were let go - without ANY licence or paperwork checked.  After word got around, they were finally issued VERY lenient citations in the mail.  One of them even had the balls to plead "not guilty" to the charges.

Of course it goes without saying that if this happened to normal citizens  - they would have been TOTALLY fucked.  I really can't stand the double standard shit...   I'm jealous!!

My personal biggest ticket on a motorcycle was 96mph in a 55mph (in high school).  Yes, I lost my license for a period of time and was also charged with the reckless or carless driving charge (I can't remember which - but in Colorado anything over 90 was careless or reckless).

So, chime in (if you dare): what was your biggest ticket on a motorcycle?


93 in a 65.   It was on the freeway, 8am-ish on a Sunday on a ride-to-eat.  It was clear, dry weather and very light traffic.   Expensive.   Anything over 85 is criminal in Az.   Was about 3 years ago when I am old enough to know better...   I used to be good at spotting the bogey.   My rabbit had rounded the curve before I could see his break lights and I was trying to catch up.      I'll admit it here, it is public record I believe anyway...    :music:
Safety Fast


Back in 1972.  Riding a Hodaka B+ 100 (fire-engine red frame with shiny chrome gas tank)
I kept my inspection sticker inside the lining of my helmet.  Got pulled over doing a plug check (i.e. speeding).  The officer started writing the ticket then we realized that we know each other (I worked at the local bowling alley and he provided nighttime security).  When I went to show my inspection sticker, I couldn't find it, obviously it had fallen out and was lost.  Since he had already started writing a ticket, he couldn't just tear it up.  Instead, he wrote me up for no inspection.  The next day I got the bike re-inspected, showed up in court with a new sticker and the judge dismissed the charge (which is exactly what the officer said would happen).  To this day, that's my one and only ticket on a motorcycle (knock on wood, big time).



I've never had a  mega speed ticket on a motorcycle. i got pulled over once but the highway patrolman was sitting in a parking lot and he didnt even have to move his car i pulled into the parking lot and rode right up to him.

he let me go with a warning to watch my speed and have a nice day.

got a ticket on the BRP once and the ranger actually thanked me for pulling over.... i gladly pay the parkway ticket since NC doesn't think rangers are qualified to give out speeding tickets and therefore doesnt put points on my license for tickets i get there..... i just mail a check to the feds and it goes away.

i have had one big ass ticket before and a night in the pokey because of it..... 135 in a 55     in my 1972 Datsun 240Z.     i was only 17 and couldnt post my own bond to get out of jail so my father had to drive 4 hours to the beach to post the 80 dollar bond and get me out.....My father wasnt too happy but he helped me build the engine in that car so there wasnt much he could say about me stretching its legs a bit.

Seeing as it was my very first ticket, the judge took it easy on me.... only lost my license for 6 months.



Whatever year the last Rider Magazine rally was is Kalispell, on the FJ, in BFE, Wyoming.

Long hill, and had just done a pass of three dually pickups pulling horse trailers several seconds before, and was gradually slowing down from about 125 (indicated).

Right after cresting the hill, I met a Wyoming State Trooper.

I decided to pull off about 3/4 mi. down the road, and wait.     :flag_of_truce:

Sure enough, he eventually came flying by, to see me there, sitting off the side with my helmet off and registration in hand, and came back.

He said he'd clocked me at 96 in a 70, and, after chatting for about 20 mins, let me go with a warning for 'unreasonable speed'.     :good:

Randy T


I was pulled over by an Oregon State Trooper, and he wrote me up for 85 in a 55.  Thankfully he didn't get an actual speed on me, as I know I blew past him well into triple digits.  I was in a very foul mood and decided that a twist of the wrist getting on the freeway would help.  Felt better until I saw red and blue lights behind me reflecting off things (night).

In court trooper said he heard the sound of a large displacement sport bike accelerating and then saw me merge onto the freeway.  Unfortunately he was on the upper on-ramp and was also getting on to the freeway.  It was dark and I was on the lower on-ramp.  Never saw his very dark blue cruiser.

Fine was a tad over $300.  Judge did knock 20% off, but Oregon has a law that you pay no matter what.  Get caught going over 100mph, and you go directly to jail.

Just after I got out of high school, I got pulled over in Central Oregon for 115 in a 55 (in a car).  Fine for that was almost $500, and my court date was scheduled for when I was going to be traveling in Germany.  So I wrote a letter saying I was leaving for Germany and all my money had been changed into Deutsche Marks so I couldn't pay the fine.  When I got back there was a letter saying that the hoped I had a good time in Germany and they knocked the fine down to less than $100.  Once in a lifetime thing as I know that would never happen again.

And yes, the double standard thing sucks ass.  They should pay the same fines and such as regular citizens, but it's nothing more than wishful thinking.




1978...riding my water buffalo to work, and late as usual. Doing about 105mph in a 50 zone, and didn't see the black and white behind me after passing a bunch of vehicles. He couldn't get a clock on me so he charged me with 90 in a 50. What really pissed him off was I forgot my wallet at home, and couldn't produce registration and insurance. He yelled at me.... :ireful:..Cost me a bunch of money and a few points, but kept my license. Nowadays here in Ontario, I would have been executed. :bye2:


Mark Olson

2006 I was visiting my friend in palm springs,palm dessert area. He had a buddy who was a highway cop and wanted to go riding with us. I  was on my 86 fj , my buddy on his cbr 1100xx and the  cop had a gsxr. we ended up blasting down the 15 towards the az border. somehow it turned into a top gear torque-off race with the fj out front till we hit about 120 then I got passed by both  bikes as they zoomed into  the  distance. we all stopped for a cigarette and minutes later 3 highway patrol cruisers with lights flashing pulled over. the cops recognized their fellow officer and asked him about me and my buddy, to which he replied " it's ok ,they are with me".  The cops looked at us and hopped back in their cars  and were gone. I can not confirm top speed for the fj but the other bikes were approaching 180mph according to the cops.

so no ticket but a good story.
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


Last year me and my two buddies were on #93 east of Glacier National Park in Montana. I was in lead on a '93 FJ and we had to pass a bunch of cars. I kicked it down and spun the throttle to get far enough ahead so the VFR and the Gold wing could get past as well. I crested the hill still in the oncoming lane and noticed the cruiser at the bottom. There was nothing to do but keep going, the other bikes were on my tail. I was doing an indicated 110mph. The cruiser flashed his lights and we all stopped at the side of the road. When he asked us if we knew how fast we were going we declined knowledge of our actual speed. He said he clocked us at 98mph. He kept us there for 45min. and gave us each a ticket for $20 which we had to pay on the spot. CASH. Just paying a toll for the use of the road.

That was my last ticket on a bike. About the other ones..............................!

WORK - This is why you do it!
85 BMW K100RT
08 KLR 650

Dan Filetti

1993, Car, 3:00am Toyota Supra Turbo Indiana "145 mph and I accelerated from there".. B/C he did not want to take my license, he wrote me up for 100mph.  I phones a local lawyer, who had it argued down to, now get this... "Excessive consumption of fuel" -$35 fine (plus the $150 retainer) equaled, interestingly enough, the $185 fine.

Cost of doing business.  Worth every penny.

Live hardy, or go home. 


I had just gotten my 450 nighthawk out of the shop and got pulled over doing 95 (top speed) in a 55.  I told the cop I had just gotten it back and it had "gotten away from me".  He laughed, and said "Yeah, I've got a bike too, they do that sometimes."  He told me to watch my speed and have a nice day.  Best experience I've ever had after being pulled over.
'91 FJ1200


i'll have to ask troy what we got ticketed for in the great commonwealth of virginia, as i truly don't remember (improper passing or maybe "just" speeding).
2014 triumph street triple r
2019 ktm 1290 superduke gt


It was a dark and moonless night, 2:30AM July 1983.  A friend and I left a party and for some reason we had to have a bag of potato chips (munchies any one?).  I went to what I thought was a 24 hour c-store, but they were closed.  We sat and pondered where else we could look for about 5 minutes and left.  Rode into a small town, Orono, Maine, and I noticed a blacked out shape in my mirror.  I was pretty sure it was the police, and decided that I did not need another ticket.  We were in a turn lane with curbs to direct you.  I planned to jump the curb to the left and head out a very smooth road with multiple, multiple turn offs to other major roads.  However the first police officer knew me well.  Just as I pulled the clutch and started to rev up to hop the curb, another cruiser came over the curb in front of  me and blocked the lane, another cruiser stopped on the other side of the curb I was about to go over, and the cruiser behind me blocked the rear.  Guns drawn, lots of yelling  :mad: and then a face plant on the tarmac. :negative:  They got me for operating after suspension, driving a non registered and non inspected bike, attempting to elude an officer, reckless driving and loitering. My friend on the other bike?  Nada.  :rofl:  The police station and impound yard was 100 YARDS from where this happened.  They would not let my friend PUSH my bike to the station, they called a wrecker.  In those days they would just pick the bike up with the rubber sling and drive off with it swinging. It lost mirrors, two turn signals and had a large dent in the gas tank. 

     At the station I was booked by a friendly officer. :hi:  He asked me if he needed to search me for weapons, cocaine or heroin.  I did not have any of those things on me so I said that he did not need to, and he didn't.  He never asked about weed, 'ludes or speed, which I did have (hey, I was 18 and stupid).  They let me go on personal bond.  In Maine at the time we had a points system for drivers license, with 18 points you loose your license.  I earned 61 points that night and lost my license for 6 months. I did not stop driving, but have never been stopped on a bike again. :mocking:

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - Winston Churchill  (falsely attributed to George Orwell)

"oderint dum metuant"  Lucius Accius, 40B.C. +-  as said by Caligula & Cicero