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alas no wireless

Started by andyoutandabout, January 13, 2012, 05:26:16 PM

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Wonder if the computer clever care to comment on this.
My 13 year old lap top makes mention of wireless capablility, but doesn't really produce the goods.
There's a wireless wizard that asks for a flash drive on to which it puts something. Then it says plug flashdrive into wireless modem thing and then back into the computer and all will be set up.
Main problem is that the wireless modem thing doesn't have a usb port, only phone type jacks.
Does one need a new bit of hardware or something?
life without a bike is just life


I think what you're referring to is the rouer.  Sounds like you need to download something from the lap top onto the flash drive then connect the flash drive to the host computer that the router is connected to.  Good luck.  I've found drop kicking the offending device often fixes everything, but you shouldn't have to resort to that.  I'm sure someone on the board will offer more help than this.
Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought.


What is the make and model# of your router? What is the OS you are running on your laptop?
What's the laptop's make and model#? If it's a Dell, it will have a service tag on it with a 6 or 7 digit number.
Has it ever hooked to this router before?



Thanks for the inputs, problem solved by a gizmo from Target. Made by Belkin, a fat USB plug in pulls a signal after a quick software install. However the things a bit slow, so I'm back on the Mac. Best I stick to bikes, they seem to make more sense and the effort in is always (usually) rewarded with excitement out.
life without a bike is just life