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Purrs like a kitten

Started by chrisz29, November 26, 2011, 02:27:44 AM

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So got everything back together after my engine swap, got the carbs all synced and she runs the something right?) Got up the next morning to go for a ride, went out started it and went back in while it warmed up..........came back out and smoke was coming from the exhaust chamber.......bottom line tranny leaking onto chamber...................left side only.....right side is dry.......but hey,,,,,,,,,she run's



Have you checked if it could be the countershaft seal, the clutch push rod seal, or the oil filter housing not properly seated?  Any of these could drip oil onto the exhaust.  You could also have a leaky clutch slave cylinder.



I degreased it and washed it down.....went out today around the block, got home and saw the leak..........theres a little bit of gasket hanging out the side of the luckily the leak is right there and not hidden.


quick video of the bike starting up..................