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Suzuki's Answer to the FJ1100 ?

Started by FJ1100mjk, November 10, 2011, 07:13:52 AM

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Came across this via an ad in the local Craigslist.

If it didn't say Suzuki on it, and with a quick glance, you'd think it was an FJ!

According to the ad, it's a 1985 GS1100ES, and they want $2,100 OBO.

New tires, new Dyna 2000 programmable ignition system with Dyna coils, Supertrapp exhaust. 17,546 miles!

Platinum Zircon-encrusted Gold Member

Iron Balls #00002175


hey, i remember those.....still as ugly as my monster-in-law!! :bad:

all cosmetic issues aside, they went like hell, and were a great bike to build for the dragstrip!!



From my angle it looks like it says FPJ (F'in Piece of Junk).  Mine was a '83 1100E that the PO used to practice his PeeWee Gleason routine.  The twisted crank toasted the lower end.  :negative:

Other than that, the shitty brakes, Anti dive, narrow wheels, speed wobble and willingness to die off idle, it was an OK bike.
THAT'S why I own a FJ. :drinks:
-- RKBA Regards,

Ed Thiele 
Simi Valley, CA -- I no longer have SoCal manners.
'89 FJ12C (Theft deterrent Silver/White)

- All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for
enough good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke


My first "Big bike"was an 80 model gsx, handled. And stopped like the one below would,  but they didn't have the ugly cyclops headlight,  that's a sad copy co Android fj though  :sarcastic:
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Even the mirrors look the same shape..


back in the day my buddy had one -- my other friend had a Kawi 1000R - believe that was an 86.  The FJ smoked the Suzuki ( but he was a novice rider always pulling the clutch in) and neck in neck with the Kawi. 

FJ Flyer

My best friend's brother had the naked GS1100E.  Fastest production bike of its day.  It was impossible to keep up on my little 440LTD. 
Chris P.
'16 FJR1300ES
'87 FJ1200
'76 DT250

Wear your gear.


I had one of the 550 GSE versions of that bike.  Way fast for its size.  It would set the front tire down (finally) at about 106 mph if I was getting into it.  Surprised a lot of big bike riders with that one.  It was not a great distance rider though.  An hour and you were looking for a new bolt-on butt!


I think it's really a GS1150 and not an 1100. I owned one before I sold it to buy an FJ.


Quote from: carey on February 07, 2012, 08:14:55 PM
I think it's really a GS1150 and not an 1100. I owned one before I sold it to buy an FJ.

Yep my ex-brother in law had one just like that without the fairing - GS1150E.  think it was an 85.

Quote from: RiderMagazineSuzuki was looking hard at the competition and when the designers saw Kawasaki's GPz1100, Honda's Euro-only CB1100R, and Yamaha's FJ1100, they felt that fairings on sport motor­cycles were the "in" thing, bringing the bike into the café-racer category. As a result, the factory deemed that a half-fairing would be a necessity on this street model. And the first 1150 to run down American roads in 1984 was the GS1150ES—with low handlebars which were not terribly well received.