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More woes today

Started by FJTillDeath, October 11, 2011, 01:52:27 AM

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So the final saga in the string of problems related to my exhaust...

This morning I was on my way to work when terror struck and this time put the bike out of commission for good(well until the new exhaust is put in and my dealer has a look)

I was riding when I started to hear a put.....put from the exhaust sounded like a tiny backfire. it was so small at first that I thought it was the crappy car behind me. Until 100meters later when I realised it was coming from me. The emgine sounded like it was dying and running on fumes of petrol rather than the half tank I had until it cut out. Tried to start it turned and cranked but wouldnt start without the choke on full. 10 meters later it dies again. Try to start it and no turning or cranking of the motor, only sound was ignition like it had no power.

Anyway had to WALK with the FJ 4miles to get to the dealer in 87.8F degree heat all leathered up with my work bag on my back on mostly uphill surfaces. Shit the FJ is heavy! Anyway when the dealer saw me he said I was crazy and should have left the bike where it died(crazy)

My guesses on the matter, from the put....put sound the exhaust leak has gotten worse or I have blown all my gaskets therefore 4 exhaust leaks with no power. THAT or my fuel line is routed wrong(dont see how as the bike travelled a whole week after I put the tank back with no problem.

The positive thing though is that my dealer said he has been tracking the exhaust and should be here early morning so by the end of business it will be installed and they will have checked why the bike died..If not tomorrow for definite and Im on study leave so all should be good :bye:
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling