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Motion Pro Carb Synch Pro Fluid

Started by eddohawk, August 22, 2011, 03:36:21 PM

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Hello everyone

Am using this device without a hitch although I'm really pissed at the price of the replacement blue fluid. Here its $10 for a tiny bottle. My mate reckons the fluid is glycol and that I should be abe to use anti freeze as a subsitute.

Would appreciate any thoughts or opinions on this!



Flyover Country Joe

  I don't see any problem using antifreeze. Even if the specific gravity is not the same as the Motion Pro fluid, it doesn't really matter, as all you are doing is equalizing the vacuum between the cylinders.
       Kookaloo, ya'all!


Hi Mark,

I have used the Syncpro quite a number of times before I had to refill it.  I went through the same I clean and refill the tool? how much is the refill fluid? How often am I going to have to clean and refill it?  I thought I might as well try the gauges since I wasn't in the mood for cleaning and buying the refill

I bought some gauges with restrictors knowing that if I didn't like them for any reason, I could return them.  The gauges worked fine but I found that the Syncpro was much more accurate. The gauges just got the carbs 'close' to being done. I know there are higher quality gauges that would be more ac currate, however, I was not in the mood to spend more money and time trying out another tool. I resolved to clean the syncpro and try a temporary fluid (ATF), until I could get some of the proper blue fluid. 

After following the cleaning instructions properly....the second time :biggrin:, was easy and quick. The ATF works pretty good , but is thicker than the blue fluid so it is not as accurate...I am currently waiting on refills from Randy at  I think they are $7 and the kit includes the fluid, orings, and rubber hose caps. 

I have heard pros and cons of the gauges, and the Morgan Carbtune, so, I thought might as well stick with the Syncpro.... I know the tool..., and it works great for me. I even saw rebuild kits available if you happen to break it.



I have the Motion Pro refill kit Here they are a little cheaper than the $10.00 price you were looking at.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM