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Started by bama1, August 05, 2010, 07:22:49 AM

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Can anybody tell me if a 94 GSXR 1100 rear rim will work on a 89 FJ without machine work.


If the whole wheel assembly - cush drive, wheel, brake carrier, and all spacers is less than distance between the swingarm legs, then it wil work.  You'll still have to fabricate a brake stay anchor and make sure the sprockets are in line while the wheel is centered.  This may require a different sprocket (honda something) with the boss milled off.  Then all you'll need is to find or make the spacers to take up any space left.  Look in the files section all the info is there.


the fan

It's in the files now...

Yes you can use a 94 wheel, but the spoke design does not match the 17" fj front wheel as closely.


Only takes one washer  (availabel from Home Depot) to line up the GSXR wheel.
I used go kart steering linkage to fabricate  a brake stay, Heim joints at each end, fully adjustable for length.
I'll post a pic tonight.