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Started by Kopfjaeger, August 03, 2010, 08:47:18 AM

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just cos im a bit lazy. wacked a new set of rear wheel bearings in the other day, since then been noticeing a graunching noise coming from where i would belive a bearing to lay supporting the front sprocket shaft. just curious if any ones had them out. degree of difficulty? or is it a case of engine out....( in wich case i might as well do the rings starter chain and starter). got to do an oil change soon might give her a flush and look see what comes out.
ps im still riding it every day.


When you installed the new bearings did you drive them in or press them in?

If you used a drift and hammer did you drive the inner race or the outer race?

Its not too hard to damage a bearing if its not installed correctly. When installing rear wheel bearings it can be done with a drift and hammer if you drive on the outer race, if you knock it in using the inner race the energy is transmitted to the outer race through the balls themselves. This can create very small divets in the races that will destroy them as he bearing turns.

I use a socket that is just smaller than the outer race to install mine.  Just a thought.....

Eric M

"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"


Neil........ the graunching....... check your chain tension......if its too tight, you can end up with this symptom, particularly with an older chain and/or sprockets.

FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.


will do  harvey. get to it ithis weekend. yes didnt have a press but i got a good hammer and a nice bit of high phosphur bronze.  :good2: they went in all good seated in the bore well, when i rolled them by handf the was no stiffness or tight spots and they rolled very quietly :good:


Were they sealed bearings?  If not, did you add grease to them?  I've pried the rubber seals off of new bearings and seen barely enough grease in them to pervent rust.  I always get the 2RS bearings and add extra grease.



yes i got the 2 x lu rubber sheilded bearings for the wheel and a zz double steel shield bearing for the one that sits in the sprocket housing. 15 bucks the lot from SKF. greased and reassembled rear wheel and shafts spacers and packed in behind the single sided lip seals  :music: