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Rear brake caliper problems: 92 FJ1200 - non ABS

Started by Riolongo, June 17, 2010, 09:08:28 PM

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Okay, so I checked the pad wear on the rear today and discovered there was virtually nothing left. I picked up new EBC pads thinking I could just throw them in but it's not that simple. When I attempted to push back the pistons they won't budge, the manual states they should move easily, do I have to relieve pressure somewhere first?
I did remove the cap from the resivoir, still not moving and I even tried applying pressure with a small clamp, no luck. Any suggestions.

I thought I read somewhere that it's less expensive to replace the entire caliper rather than rebuild, is that still the case and is there newer model calipers that will bolt right on?
Any suggestions appreciated.



They should go back in freely as it should push the fluid back into the master cylinder.

There have been several posts on this lately;

I can tell you I have the rear caliper kit in stock and the cost is just under $29.00.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Randy, I managed to remove the pistons from the calipers and the pistons themselves are not scorred, I cleaned them up along with the caliper body, lubed everything and re-installed. I installed new EBC pads and bled the system, a rebulid kit was not available at the time so I could not replace seals, I have checked for leaks and there are none so far.
You mentioned kits for around $29.00, is this USD and if so what is necessary to get them here. I'm guessing this is just seals and not pistons, is this correct? Also, I noticed what looks to be a hairline crack across the width of the rotor, is this common or something I need to address ASAP?

Thanks for the reply,



Rich Baker - NRA Life, AZCDL, Trail Riders of S. AZ. , AMA Life, BRC, HEAT Dirt Riders, SAMA....
Tennessee Squire
90 FJ1200, 03 WR450F ;8^P


Sorry Mike, I missed this on Saturday. You are correct, just a seal kit and I can get pistons is needed. It is USD and I can ship them anywhere via USPS.

Send me an email to and we can work out the details.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM