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Glass mat oil resovior

Started by chiz, December 02, 2021, 09:29:28 AM

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Good day all
                    I have the exhaust off again and discovered the heat shield material on the left side belly fairing is soaked in oil and dripping. I suspect a poorly installed RPM oil filter conversion. Or maybe it could be oil from the chain being slung up to that area, besides this what are also the likely offenders to this issue besides the most obvious ones.

RPM - Robert

All of these are on the left side. Main oil galley o ring, alternator o ring, crankshaft seal, starter o ring, neutral o ring, clutch pushrod seal, transmission output shaft seal, and the oil filter. Could be any of those. Also, the thin main oil galley plugs crack, usually when someone removes but we have had a couple customers state they were never removed and they cracked from normal use.


OK don't think its the crank seal anyway looks like I will be buying some bit's.

RPM - Robert

I would suggest cleaning the suspected area/areas and tracking with powder after running. But that is just me. No need to change seals/o rings that don't need to be changed. Unless, you are really after something other to do besides ride, but to each their own. I would suggest running it with a fan, sort of pointed from front left towards right rear on the motor. This will allow you to keep the motor cool but "hopefully" not blow the oil all around, which is what riding it will likely do as well.