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Have fun at the Rally & Post up Pics!

Started by Marsh White, May 10, 2010, 12:12:42 AM

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Marsh White

You guys and gals have fun at the ECSR!!  Take lots of pics and share them with us!  I have put up the category on the website:

Those of you enterprising enough can post up pics during the rally so we can live vicariously though you....I say this every year...and it never happens.  Usually takes a week or so after you all are home to upload pics.  But I still say it anyway...

Have a great time...and don't do anything I wouldn't do!!!   :good2: :drinks:


Just wishing everyone going to the rally Good luck and enjoy  :good2: 

i hope to see some of Frank's HD Helmet cam videos too.  :unknown:

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.