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Carburetor fiddling

Started by andyoutandabout, August 16, 2020, 12:44:08 AM

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Well I had an interesting weekend with a Yamaha TTr 230.
Somehow my buddy who owns it got the idea that I knew how to get it running. Even though I wasn't super confident, I bluffed it initially and got lucky. Being a fairly new model and having only the one carb, I boldly popped off the float bowl to find all clean and as it should be. Checked the spark plug, and there's the culprit, a soggy oiled up mess. A quick wire brushing and all burst into life, making me appear a far better mechanic than I really am. Phew.
Anyway, the only other thing I found wrong (?) was the air mix screw was wound out 3 3/4 turns. I thought popular wisdom says that they should be about 1 1/2 wound out. I wasn't sure this was the cause of the plug fouling, so wound it out to 2 1/4 thinking that 3 3/4 was too much and 1 1/2 must be too little on this model because, after all, it was a nearly new bike, perhaps there is a new carb norm.
This question falls into the same category as some of my previous questions that apply things you thought you knew as a kid growing up in the eighties to modern day equipment . For example, don't mess with the air box, which has proved false with the advent of Uni filters or sintered pads will warp your discs soon as you apply the anchors. Nope not yet at any rate.
Come on you carb wizards.......
life without a bike is just life


Hi, I'm wondering if the TTr carb was a CV type. I've had a few issues with my FJ carbs (from sitting TOO long) and read a few of the tech posts on carbs here. I noted a post from Randy (RPM) stating that CV carbs air screw differ in that they regulate a fuel air mixture rather just air in the non-Cv type carb.
The amount of turns out (for the FJ) is around 4 1/2, give or take. I'd never touched them till now and that's pretty much what mine were set at. I'm no carb guru so maybe that's just the setting of a modern TTr carb anyway.

Mike 86 in San Dimas

And I sent my carbs to RPM. Next time I'll try Andy's shade tree. :wacko2: