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Rear fender mounting holes worn away

Started by Cameron123, December 06, 2019, 05:01:58 PM

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The fiberglass around the mounting holes on both sides of the rear wheel wore completely through.  Got some thin stainless steel and made some mini-plates for each side of each hole, lining up the edge so it would sit correctly on the thin metal edge of the swingarm.  Then measured and cut the mounting holes only to find they were a bit off, so I used a metal file in my drillpress to elongate them enough for mounting.  And while I don't consider myself a "body" guy by any means, I'm quite happy with the results. 

Looking forward to my annual ride as Santa, delivering my office's donation of Christmas gifts to Salvation Army in another couple weeks.
Cameron Smith
Philadelphia suburbs

'18 BMW R1200RT
'89 Yamaha FJ1200W with SideBike Comanche sidecar