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Company Toy Run

Started by aviationfred, December 17, 2017, 11:09:00 PM

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We had a unique event at work last week. The company that I work for partnered with the Salvation Army and had a motorcycle toy run through our main facility that collected over 750 toys and $20,000.00 cash for gifts that will be used by the Salvation Army for needy children during Christmas.

I'm not the fastest FJ rider, I am 'half-fast', the fastest slow guy....

2008 VFR800 RC46 Vtec
1996 VFR750 RC36/2
1990 FJ1300 (1297cc) Casper
1990 VFR750 RC36/1 Minnie
1989 FJ1200 Lazarus, the Streetfighter Project
1985 VF500F RC31 Interceptor


How cool is that? The kiddos get a Christmas bonus and the bikers can now say I rode my bike to work and through work. Win, win.
life without a bike is just life


I was in Mississippi when Hurricane Camille hit, too strong to get any number they had.  That hurricane dropped about 400 tornadoes coming ashore, and things went downhill from there.  Large parts of the coastal Interstate were missing, not buried, just GONE.

The Salvation Army was there on-site when the sun came up after the storm, giving away tents, blankets, food, water, and a lot of comfort, when nobody else was there giving aid.  No other agency ever came close to their human efforts, then.  Good people.

P.S. Life is too short, and health is too valuable, to ride on cheap parade-duty tires.