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Checking in from sunny Florida

Started by Steve_in_Florida, July 06, 2017, 08:48:27 AM

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Hello Forum!

I'm still around, happily using my `92 as a daily rider. I marvel at what a comfortable, reliable platform these bikes really are.

I called Fred (aviationfred) the other day to express my feelings about the "misplacement" of his bike. That is very aggravating, and one of my peeves. Thieves are annoying. Hopefully, it will turn up in a relatively intact and unscathed condition.

Time has been tight for me lately, but I would love to attend some upcoming rallies, as I can. Memories of rallies past need to be refreshed, periodically. I still have fond memories of our little gathering in Arkansas, not that long ago. Tellico Plains, also.

My trusty steed awaits, as I have a trip to make to Mt. Dora, about an hour from here. Conveniently, there is a German bakery in the town of Yalaha, that happens to be on the way (if I take the scenic route, and I usually do!)

I hope to see some of you soon on the roads, or at a rally or two.



`90 FJ-1200
`92 FJ-1200

IBA # 54823