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Hi From Melbourne

Started by Iwanacoffee, December 10, 2015, 04:35:58 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I bought a non running fj1100 a few months ago and due to wanting to ride it now, I sent it to a couple of backyard mechanics and they got it close to roadworthy condition for me.

A few issues that I need expert help on however!

I call it the beast....ive taken it up and down the street and its a great bike.

It would be awesome to find some locals to go on a ride with.



The General

 :hi: Welcome aboard Tony. Lots of info right in your neighbourhood. Just set a time for that coffee along with a time & date that suits melbourneons. (hint, not too early and get a venue that`s cheap!)  :pardon:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Haha, thanks for tip! Unfortunately nothing is cheap in Melbourne!
The contributors on this forum are so helpful already, I've had some good advice which I think would be wise to follow!


Welcome to the Group Tony (another one!) Enjoy you FJ (looks like you got the best model ever - not that i am biased of course). Some of the guys on here have forgotten more than we will ever know about the FJ, and are very patient with us noobs.

Pretty much every question you can think of has already been asked, so check the files. And beware of "Moditis". It is an extreamly infectious and costly disease, but can be a lot of fun too.

There are quite a few FJers down your end of the world, and we have an FJ rally coming up in March down in Victoria (see down under topics for more info) Hope to catch you around the traps.

My Baby (Sparkles)
84 FJ1100/1200 motor
92 FJ 1200 - Project bike. Finished and sold.
84 FJ1100 - Project bike.


Welcome Tony, if you've got any queries about the FJ just ask, there are some very knowledgeable people on here with a couple of them in fact down your way. Have a look at this link and add yourself to the map.

93 fj1200
79 suzuki gt250x7

Too young to be old but old enough to know better.

mr blackstock


Welcome to the group, heaps of really helpful blokes on the forum.  It looks like you have one of the early ones, lots of good tips here on taking care of some of the "foibles"

Good to hear it is almost on the road.

Cheers, Gareth
Squeaky wheels always get the grease...

Yamaha FJ1100 1985


Welcome to the fj forum Tony :good2: :yahoo: :hi:


Quote from: Iwanacoffee on December 10, 2015, 04:35:58 PM

It would be awesome to find some locals.......



Tony, if "youwanacoffee" check your PM's.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Good to see more Aussies on the forum and especially from the south.

Welcome... :good2:
1988 FJ1200
1991 FJ1200
