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Started by CodyNKR, October 18, 2009, 04:14:00 PM

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Ok, I know it's not for everyone. But another Biketoberfest is done and gone. I didn't really want to try out the traffic as my FJ does not like sitting on Main Street. But we did one run down Main Street, then parked and visited the local saloon to listen to a band we enjoy and only get to hear during bike events.

Today, Jeff and I went back over early to sign up for demo rides. Since all I've been hearing is FJR I decided it was time to try one. So I signed up for the FJR and the FZ6R with Yamaha and figured what the heck went to Kawasaki and signed up for the 650 ninja. The ninja was cute and made this sound of's a 2 cyclinder. The FZ6R is really a nice quick light bike. I still think I want one of those for my 2nd bike. The FJR is definitely not for me. I'm on tippy-toes even with the seat in the lowest setting. It is smooth, I'll give you that, but just not for me.

What was a little different is that Honda, Harley nor Suzuki had demo rides there. Typically in years past they have all been there. I guess with the economy they were all about saving $$.
