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The People you Meet at BBQs!

Started by X-Ray, November 23, 2013, 07:22:37 PM

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We went to a friends BBQ last night, just us and another couple were invited by the hosts, small gathering. Cracked open some beers, met the other bloke Glen, and we're chatting away. I was wearing my FJ shirt and mentioned I was a bit tired , did some work on the bike today etc. Glen said what do you ride, and I showed him my shirt and said FJ1200, he said so do I. I thought cool, someone to talk to about bikes! Anyway, he said he only bought it a while back from a bloke up the Sunshine Coast, and I said it wouldn't happen to be a black/tan '93 model would it? (Can you see where I'm going with this General???)

He said yeah, bloke called Doug, I went Bullshit, Get the F*&*^ outta here. So I met Glen who bought your bike General, lol!, and he only lives 3 mins down the road from us in an adjoining estate.  :rofl: It was amazing, we spent ages talking FJs, showed him some Manshed photos, and now he is keen to come to Jindabyne with us in March as well. He doesn't get on the forum much but I'll send him some links and Randys details etc, talk about a chance meeting, lol!!!!!!!!!  ( He did say he stole it from you, which you have already told us,  :biggrin:)

I showed him a lot of mods that the FJs benefit from so he will soon be another victim of Moditis I'm sure.  :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link

The General

Mate, that`s terrific good news! Yeah, even Harvy reckons that was my best original...really tight motor, extremely reliable and seem to have more grunt when compared with others...esp coming out of corners! Real glad another family member will be at Jindabyne. In fact (cross threading here) a few old members are coming out of the Woodwork...(eg Roach & Brian are catching up with me In Sydney next weekend) more BBQ`S  :drinks:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka