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2013 West Coast Renegade Rally

Started by Flynt, November 04, 2013, 03:56:23 PM

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Any plans in the works for this year?  Last year we did a day with Andy in Napa and part of second day around greater SF Bay/San Jose area...  low key and fun with some good stories (300lb pig anyone).  Year before was a fun ride with the Sacramento gang.  Anyone up for an event this year?

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...

Mike Ramos

Howdy Frank,

I am interested, I would like to replace my tires with winter/wet weather tires.

Following you around the Bay Area should just about wear out my present set...!

It is pretty cool how much better wear there is when the maximum sidewall pressures are maintained (+ -).  Uh oh, well here is to continued good weather...!

The Midget Mike.


Hey Frank, much thanks for starting such a thread. I was really gung-ho for another Renegade round mine, but I've run into problems of all sorts and am pretty screwed at the moment. Sorry, my input is minimal this year, hopefully I'll be back on my game next year.
life without a bike is just life


Sorry I can't really do anything major this year either...  once my younger daughter is in college next year, life should get less hectic.  For now we don't get much totally free time.

What I can offer is a ride this coming Sunday.  I've got the day open and could spend most of the (very short) day on the bike, start early and finish by dark.  I have a nice, twisty, 6ish hour ride I can lead with options for lunch and a couple of breweries along the way.  Anyone interested and able to make it is welcome. 

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...


Would love to but its a little far for me to come for a 6 hr ride  :rofl2:


Not as far as Doug but round trip to San Jose is 10 hours (all slab), and 6 hours of twisties... Sounds like I.B.Mike's kind of day. Maybe some SoCal riders want to ride this Sunday to mirror your ride.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


Update: Ramos the midget is coming down and my buddy Dan with the fully RPM'd '86 (not on the forum, though I know he lurks) is joining.  I'm sure these boys are gonna school me with their RPM suspension, but hopefully my antique USD front/Ohlins rear will hold its own.  So we've got a threesome going at least and I think Diane will be riding pillion on Wizard (USD gets the chicks you know)...

Any other takers?  We'll leave my house early Sunday, probably between 0800 and 0830.  I'll probably ride Monday too (Veterans Day and I'm a vet, so I'm taking the day off).

Doug - I think you've missed your window to fly over, maybe next time.  Monkey - you can stay at my house Saturday and/or Sunday night if you have a change of heart.  Andy - you're welcome too and I know you have Monday off as well.

What about you boys in Sacramento...?

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...


Sorry, I'm out...

Too much stuff to move and the weekend is when I have the most help.

Enjoy, Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Quote from: racerrad8 on November 08, 2013, 11:14:50 PM
Sorry, I'm out...

Damn...  I was counting on you for the Coors light. 

Adding you to the mix would have been great, but I figured you'd be loaded up as usual.  How 'bout Monday?

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...


Thanks for the offer Frank, but I'm not able to join you despite having, as you correctly guessed, monday off.
Be good
life without a bike is just life


Quote from: Flynt on November 08, 2013, 11:21:00 PM
How 'bout Monday?


If you want to take a ride over, maybe we can head out for a couple hour jaunt since it is a holiday.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Quote from: racerrad8 on November 10, 2013, 02:16:21 PM
If you want to take a ride over...

Always tempting...  maybe I could have a go at Pat's carbs as well  :gamer:

...but tomorrow will be valve adjust for Wizard, bicycle ride with Diane, then maybe some fine tuning on the RD...

Ramos, Diane, and I went a full day of twisties today (sadly my buddy Dan got a bad cold and had to drop out).  Fantastic day today with 60-70 degree temps on the coast, clear blue skies in abundance, and not too much traffic.  Showed Mike how you can leave my house and ride for 6+ hours of country roads right here in greater San Jose.  

Sounds like the SoCal bunch had a great day as well...  I love CA!

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...

Mike Ramos

Hello everyone,

I had the opportunity to attend my first ever Renegade Rally this past Sunday.  It was planned & hosted by Flynt (Frank) and his charming wife Diane.  It was an almost unbelievable experience but it really happened.

One group met at a park in the hills of eastern San Jose.  I can only describe it as idyllic with stone walls to climb on, an open area with plenty of room for parking and a most unique covered playground with the most marvelous toys one could imagine.  I had a lot of fun climbing the walls and checking out all the toys; however the fun really began once we got on the road...

I should mention that prior to departure Diane arrived with fresh baked muffins, hot coffee and hot chocolate for me(!), somehow managing to keep everything piping hot despite the cool morning temperature.  It was really neat, as the morning warmed up we watched the fog break up all the while discussing the routes which Frank had chosen. 

Then, being safety conscious we gave the FJ's a quick once over, checking oil & tire pressures, etc.  Someone (I do not recall who) ensured that the tires were at maximum air pressure noted on the sidewall - saying something like "just because Randy says it so, then it must be so".  Anyway, soon we were on the road and the adventure began.

The first segment of the morning ride found us climbing higher into the eastern hills before descending towards the west to the valley floor, crossing a highway or two and then once again we found ourselves climbing ever higher on the western side of the valley.  Several hours of this found us at an out of the way (yet well known) apple orchard that featured fresh baked apple pie.  Just delicious and timely for a late morning break.  I treated everyone there but not after discussion on whether or not it was appropriate for me to do so (some thought let be buy dinner instead) but Frank noticing my consternation said "do not make him mad, look at the size of him, he may kick you in the knee cap". 

So back on the mighty FJ's and more simply beautiful winding roads down to the coast Highway heading north that made one wish that CaptainRon was along to scribe one of his great descriptions.  The next time there may be a winery on the itinerary so perhaps that will be an enticement!

Frankly, I do not want to be the one to tell Frank that Frank's bike may be just a bit faster but the evidence is empirical; and the clincher is Diane was waving as they flew by...! While I was doing my best to emulate the FJMonkey's  immutable 'go fast' riding style (aka hanging off with the knee dragging while the bike is straight up & down) Frank & Mrs. B literally rode by so fast while hanging a wheelie it felt as if I was barely moving – which may actually the truth!  Anyway, both the Wizard and Brutus are truly mighty FJ's.

So apparently feeling my discomfiture, we went directly to the fabled Alice's Restaurant.   I initially thought our destination was a restaurant where I was to be introduced to Alice Fabel but Frank quickly set me straight by reminding me that the permission slip from my folks forbids 'booze & broads' because I am not yet of age.   So there we met up with the rest of the group.  It was an enjoyable early dinner of good food & interesting company.  The discussion initially centered on Google Glasses as one of the fellows at the table had a set on.  Fascinating.  However the was also a couple of veterinarians along as well and while it is amazing what they can do with animals these days, not necessarily a subject at dinner time. Not so fascinating!

Following dinner another hour or so of wonderful winding roads; once again heading east to the valley floor and the Interstate/Freeway that led us to our respective homes.  Prior to getting on the freeway we stoped for a short while to say good bye and exchange pleasantries.

While I enjoyed everyone's company I wish to especially thank Frank & Diane for a much needed respite away from the normal day to day hustle & bustle.  I find him to be quite the gentleman & Diane was most gracious.  And that, in all sincerity is immutable.

Keep smiling & ride safe,

Mike Ramos.


Top draw gents. Such faithful bastions of the Renegade Rally have shown that even when the Napa/Sacramento peeps are nowhere to be found, the Renegade rolls onward and upward. Keep the flag flying and next year my heels will not be dragging when my knees could be scraping.
Andy - observing from the sideline, which is a bit out of character, but its been a strange year.
life without a bike is just life