General Category => Down Under Topics => Topic started by: oldktmdude on October 18, 2022, 08:10:56 PM

Title: Bermagui Shed Weekend, 9th, 10 and 11th December 2022
Post by: oldktmdude on October 18, 2022, 08:10:56 PM
   The Bermagui Shed Weekend is on again, 9,10 and 11th December 2022. The usual conditions apply, first in get the available beds.
Contact either Alf or myself for bookings. The usual agenda will take place, we have a new section of road to ride on the Saturday
which everyone should enjoy.
   Looking forward to seeing you again and having a beer or two.
   Regards, Pete.  :yahoo: :drinks:
Title: Re: Bermagui Shed Weekend, 9th, 10 and 11th December 2022
Post by: Sparky84 on October 29, 2022, 06:47:58 PM
Sounds Great Pete,
Usual piece of floor will do me, I'll book in for a few sickies on those days.

Looked great weather for Bathurst last week.



Title: Re: Bermagui Shed Weekend, 9th, 10 and 11th December 2022
Post by: oldktmdude on October 30, 2022, 04:58:12 AM
   It'll be great to see you then Al. The weather's always good down here mate.
   Regards, Pete.
Title: Re: Bermagui Shed Weekend, 9th, 10 and 11th December 2022
Post by: wainot-Phil on November 24, 2022, 12:32:02 AM

   It'll be great to see you then Al. The weather's always good down here mate.
   Regards, Pete.
I can back that Pete knows all about the Weather because the last time I saw him , He was 100% ""Under the Weather"" haha