Seems we have a lot of recurring questions on clutch slipping.
Check it out, hope I did not miss anything. This should help the new folks. (
And it works! :yahoo:
Thank you sir!
:blush: I might have a stupid question... -but my momma says stupid is who stupid does- so here it goes.
How does it feel when the clutch is slipping?
I am having the hardest time changing gears, like getting neutral is nowhere there, and first also very hard like kicking it down and I feel like I am destroying the thing.
Is this a sign of the clutch been slippery? I was thinking maybe some of the joins and axels need some lube or so...
I did anyways buy a shifting Detent kit from RPM and will give it a go to install it, but I know I have to remove the clutch anyway, so if this is a clutch issue I could already kill two birds with one shot.
How can I differentiate if the shifting issue is not the clutch? I am starting a thread right now but thought to give it a try here just in case. not trying to hijack this thread at all...
Just thought it should be nice to have a clear image for us new to this what to acknowledge as clutch slipping problems.
Thank you very much.
A slipping clutch is easy to test. Ride where you can accelerate hard safely. Perform WOT (Wide Open Throttle) pulls once you are in 3rd gear. A slipping clutch will allow the engine to spin up to higher revs quickly with no benefit of acceleration. Hard shifting may be a leaking clutch slave or air in the clutch hydraulics. This causes the clutch push rod to push less. This means the clutch plates are still dragging a bit so the gears still have load on them when you are shifting.
Test for clutch slip, then report back...
Thank You Pat.
You're welcome Cat, it was a group effort....
This is timely for me because I think my clutch is slipping at WOT and high RPMs. For now I'm just avoiding that bit of fun because 1) I want to get back to the airplane and 2) no problem keeping up with the V30 Magna.
Quote from: FJmonkey on June 09, 2019, 12:22:36 AM
A slipping clutch is easy to test. Ride where you can accelerate hard safely. Perform WOT (Wide Open Throttle) pulls once you are in 3rd gear. A slipping clutch will allow the engine to spin up to higher revs quickly with no benefit of acceleration. Hard shifting may be a leaking clutch slave or air in the clutch hydraulics. This causes the clutch push rod to push less. This means the clutch plates are still dragging a bit so the gears still have load on them when you are shifting.
Test for clutch slip, then report back...
It was a leaky slave cylinder, its been fixed now, thanks.
FWIW, it is difficult to bleed the air from a vertical hydraulic hose. It is very helpful if you install the new bleeder banjo bolts at the handlebar master cylinders, both for brake and clutch. Speigler (as one example) makes them. They cost maybe US$25.00 each at the right bike shops, but you can pay over US$45.00 each at the wrong shops. By now, there may be cheaper versions available, but I would choose by quality, not by price, for any brake stuff.
I would recommend using new hydraulic washers, any time you replace old banjo bolts. HTH.