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My thoughts and prayers are now being sent to Boston

Started by Pat Conlon, April 15, 2013, 08:02:19 PM

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I know many individuals who were very close to the area, some as near as 50 feet away. Thankfully none were among the physically injured. Here are the words of a former student of mine when I was working at Salem State University. Please share this with as many people and in as many places as you can.

Paul Kiernan

Because in the end the human spirit will rise and triumph. There are those who will look at love and seek to destroy it. There are those who will look at freedom, the rights of individuals and will seek to lay them low. We saw it in New York during the terrible times of September 11th. We see it now in Boston on Patriots day, Jackie Robinson day. Someone hates and decides to make that hate known, make it corporeal by destruction. That hate translates into bodies and wounds, broken hearts and wondering minds. Monetary loss to buildings, cars and streets. That hate thinks for fleeting moments; "See what I have done." But, it lasts less than a Warhol dream of fame. Because hate cannot beat out love. Hate cannot find the purchase in the soil that care and understanding can. Hate cannot be a leader for it moves in shadows with the dim heart of a coward. Hate cannot show us the way because it lives in dark and takes and takes and takes. But love gives; Hope. Blood. Comfort. Food. Love gives a reason to rise and reason to carry on. Hate simply holds it's bitter ground for a moment and then slinks away. What we see today in Boston is what we saw in New York; hate appeared, love conquered. As it always will. So if the bombs are words against people's choice, against people's rights, against harmony and understanding; Or, the bombs are against buildings and flesh and joy and pride and righteousness, the hate will be remembered only for the moment of the light, the sound, the destruction and the time it takes to regroup and care for the wounded and the lost. What lasts are, as the posts about Mr. Rogers state, the care givers, the arms that picked up a lost and confused child, the legs that carried marathoners to the blood donation tents. What lasts, what is the final image is not the hate, it is the love, the care, the human spirit that comes full on, super human, fast and furious in response to the hate. The good, the love, the care, the righteous will always be there. And in it's quiet, steady determined way, the good, the love, the right will never allow the hate any more time in the spot light than it it deserves. Enough time for everyone to see it's uselessness, it's pathetic attempts to be more than it is and it's ultimate failure. Buildings are made of mortar, steel, brick and stone. Cities are made of beating hearts, working mind, souls and the human spirit. Nothing beats the human spirit. History tells us this again and again. Do not allow the hate to take center stage. Do not allow your spirits to falter. We can, we will and must rise above this and prove, once again, that hate is no match for love.


"we often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us."
~~~friederich nietzsche ~~~

big r

My sentiments exactly. There were about 2000 Canadians in the marathon as well, and around 200 from British Columbia. I don't think any Canucks were hurt, but my thoughts and prayers go to all the injured. I hope they catch the sick bastards and hang them by their balls. Big R


You know.......Klav.....not everyone on this planet is a cynical atheist...... some may interpret your demand for action, self seeking and your righteous indignation, as drawing attention toward yourself. What have you done for the victims??? Who have you approached and offered anything???? Who made you Supreme Lord that you should command us to take action???? It's easy to tell people what to do from the other side of the world and snap at your friends ....who, like yourself, are physically unable to drop everything and run off and do something noble. Some people are noble all the time...and kind all the time...and friendly all the time.....and generous all the time........and loving all the time!!! They don't need medals or approval or a pat on the back from anybody. They just go about doing it all on their own without you or anyone else telling them what it means to be noble!! You may think that a prayer is nothing more than an attempt to vindicate ones guilt for their inability to be there and do more...but for some....that's the whole point of a prayer......asking someone up there bigger than themselves to step in and do something when they are unable or send in someone who is. You may not believe in God or prayer.....and you may be angry and bitter that a Supreme Lord and Master would allow us to inflict such unspeakable pain on each other...God created a perfect environment for all of us to grow and thrive and be happy......but our self seeking goals and ambitions have made a mess of it and we are paying the price for our own arrogance and pride......... we truly are the architects of our own demise.  Maybe if we would follow the Ten Commandment's.....or spend the time to recite the Lords prayer and try to live by it .......this world wouldn't be filled with such anger and hatred and violence. I admit that the Hollywood Graphics were a bit melodramatic but I couldn't think of a better image of absolute Love and absolute Hate being  encapsulated more explicitly  than this one moment in history. Try to remember when you had your close call with death. Whether you want to hear it or not...... pulling through was an answer to many of our prayers...including Pat and myself and I'm sure many others. And I would bet money that if they could have come over and been at your side...they would have. So why pray for you?    Because of love!!! It's easy to be angry and bitter and critical all the time Klav....why not try being the least offensive individual for a change........and see where it leads you. You want to talk about being noble? Start with that.......then maybe you will have a voice. Your friend always........ :empathy2:
Never regret your choices in life ! There is no way to go back to do it again and compare. Make the most and do your best with every decision you make



I'll keep walking down Boylston St to go to dinner etc. I am on the street every day of the working week and have been for over 25 years.


I still have family there, I'm originally from there, Thankfully no family members where hurt, But what coward to do such a thing, I believe a public execution is in order
Shawn Jarman


Deep Sympathies from this side of the water too. Was living in London when the IRA were doing similar so know how it feels :ireful: Hope you find the sobs, they deserve whatever they get but unfortunately it probably won't be enough......!


Quote from: crzyjarmans on April 18, 2013, 08:01:31 AM
I still have family there, I'm originally from there, Thankfully no family members where hurt, But what coward to do such a thing, I believe a public execution is in order

No kidding, we need to bring that back for this sort of cowardly bs...
Rich Baker - NRA Life, AZCDL, Trail Riders of S. AZ. , AMA Life, BRC, HEAT Dirt Riders, SAMA....
Tennessee Squire
90 FJ1200, 03 WR450F ;8^P


Adults don't believe in magical thinking, Santa Clause or an interventionist, white Anglo Saxon representation of god.
Nor do they believe in religious death cults that use symbols of death as their signature and glorify pain,suffering and death.
They don't proselytise either.
Too many brainwashed religious zealots in this world, all demanding that the rest of us bow down to their One True God.

There's also too many that have their opinions formed by mass media and T.V.
Hark them baying for blood.
They want to see premeditated, cold blooded homicide carried out by the State in public.
The five countries that carried out the most executions in 2012 were China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S.
That's some company to keep.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.



Why do feel the need to proselytise your belief in non-belief ?
Most of the posts are not baying for blood and instant sacrifice, but offering what they believe is their only available positive contribution to this horrible situation, prayer.
Who are you to deny them this relief to their anger and hurt and helplessness ?
Your demand for logical right-thinking is just as insulting to free choice as that of the jihadists who would stone you for your blasphemy.
Your declaration of atheism is a personal choice.  Allow them their belief (or mis-belief) in peace.
You are a hypocritical bully.  Until those who get solace from religion advocate harm, let them believe what they want.


Dan Filetti

Quote from: Arnie on April 18, 2013, 08:46:24 PM
Why do feel the need to proselytize your belief in non-belief ?
Your declaration of atheism is a personal choice.  Allow them their belief (or mis-belief) in peace.


While I generally agree with your live at let live criticisms of militant-atheism, I would also encourage you and anyone really, to read a book from Sam Harris called "The end of Faith".  This book affected my outlook, away from your well made point above.  Interestingly, Harris makes the point that there is clear danger in the live and let live mentality.  The book is written from the perspective of an atheist. I would very muck like to hear the reaction to such a book by the likes of "Father Pat", whom I respect as both bright and religious man.  

We should have a book club!  We could meet, Tuesday nights, and have briskets and beers and sit around discussing this week's book...   -kidding...

Live hardy, or go home. 


Religious debate relating to such issues is a waste of time, views/beliefs are never changed, you believe or you don't end of....... Any message of support or sympathy is hopefully of value to those affected, religious or not.

In the meantime people have been injured, maimed or killed horribly. Catch the sobs and ensure that they can never do it again by the most effective means possible That's all that matters

Pat Conlon

Thanks Dan, I'll get the book and report back to you via PM. I am *always* open to new ideas and discussion.

Btw, I'm really not a priest or affiliated in any way with organized religion.
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You probably know by now that one of the perps is dead and his brother still on the loose. An MIT police officer is dead as well and they almost killed a MBTA (Transit) officer as well. The events that have occured over the past 18 hours are stranger than fiction..

Dan Filetti

Quote from: Pat Conlon on April 19, 2013, 03:47:52 PM
Btw, I'm really not a priest or affiliated in any way with organized religion.

I know this.  I hope you enjoy the book.  I was most interested that among the reviews on the inside jacket was from a priest saying that his fellow theologians '...owe it to themselves to read this thought provoking book...'. 

Live hardy, or go home.