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A flag on the coffin?Arlington/

Started by rossco, August 29, 2009, 05:04:42 AM

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Not trying to  diss on him,just curious.From your point of view as it's strange it hasn't been mentioned.
No disrepect intended.


Are you talking about Ted Kennedy?  You know he did serve 3 years in the military. 

As far as members of congress/senate getting the same recognition, I am conflicted.  They do serve the county (in theory), but I would like to see them have to serve at least 2 years in a branch of the armed forces before having the same privileges.  Just my opinion.

Later....... :bye2:

FJ Flyer

I believe hid did a tour of duty in the Army.
Chris P.
'16 FJR1300ES
'87 FJ1200
'76 DT250

Wear your gear.

Rich Pleines

"Arlington Cemetery spokesman Dave Foster said Ted Kennedy was eligible in two ways. Because he served in the U.S. Army decades ago, Kennedy was eligible and as a senator he was also eligible to be buried there."
Not in any way strange, he earned the privlidge, as did his brothers with whom he will be buried next to.
Rich Pleines
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"


Thanks for clearing that up.I had never seen a photo of him in uniform.May they all R.I.P.


Quote from: FJ Flyer on August 29, 2009, 08:07:22 AM
I believe hid did a tour of duty in the Army.

I read that T.K. served in the army in Paris during the Korean war.

The father of an old college room mate of mine passed in Spring of last year.  He actually went to Korea during the Korean war and afterwards made a career of the army..  He died in late April '08 and his funeral was not until July at Arlington..  long wating list, first come first serve they said.

Rich Pleines

"long wating list, first come first serve they said."

This will be my final comment on the subject unless I find out Ted Kennedy owned an FJ. The facts are......

President John F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on November 25, 1963. Within three years, more than 16 million people had visited his gravesite. To better accommodate the large number of visitors, cemetery officials and Kennedy family members decided to create a more suitable site. The final resting place was completed on July 20, 1967.
During the period of construction, President Kennedy and his two deceased children were quietly reinterred to the permanent grave, and Archbishop Cushing formally blessed the new site in a private service, which was attended by Mrs. Kennedy, Senators Robert and Edward Kennedy and President Lyndon Johnson.
The 3.2 acre site is located on the slope below Arlington House.
The entire site was set aside by the secretary of the Army, with the approval of the secretary of defense, to honor the memory of the president. The land has been retained for the nation as a whole and has not been deeded to the Kennedy family. The steep hillside has never been considered suitable for graves or a general burial location.
On June 8, 1968, Robert Kennedy was buried alongside his brother.
On May 23, 1994, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was buried next to President Kennedy. The gravesite was completed with addition of her grave marker Oct. 6, 1994
My father a World War II Vet died last year I am aware of the wait and I mean no disrespect for your friend's father.
Rich Pleines
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"