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2 x 84-85 FJ for sale

Started by Brian, November 16, 2012, 05:38:53 PM

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 :hi: G'Day to you all  DownunderFJlander's,
I recently run into a fellow Fjer in a Pub carpark(of All places ) :drinks: & he has either 1.5 or 2 1100's for sale .
sounds like 1 complete ? & 1 basket case or sumpinorudda .
His name is Pete Ph# 0407409968 He was talking around $1500.00 the lot
might be worth a call
He is a Qlder but wont hold that against him ,after all he owns the greatest bike ever built .

Cheers Brian
Dont you just love that special place of Beer,Bikes 'N' Bullshit !


Quote from: Brian on November 16, 2012, 05:38:53 PM
:hi: G'Day to you all  DownunderFJlander's,
I recently run into a fellow Fjer in a Pub carpark(of All places ) :drinks: & he has either 1.5 or 2 1100's for sale .
sounds like 1 complete ? & 1 basket case or sumpinorudda .
His name is Pete Ph# 0407409968 He was talking around $1500.00 the lot
might be worth a call
He is a Qlder but wont hold that against him ,after all he owns the greatest bike ever built .

Cheers Brian

that might be something I could be interested in.....I may need some help but if you could find out as much details as possible I could have my own ride for when I come this March ....maybe I could buy it and leave it with Doug or Arnie....or better still Klav.....just a thought.......then I could travel from one side of Australia to the other ending up at the rally....just a thought......
Never regret your choices in life ! There is no way to go back to do it again and compare. Make the most and do your best with every decision you make


If he is from Biloela then I think it is probably the pair I bought a few weeks ago  :yahoo:
Live Hard, Die Young and Leave a Good Looking Corpse


Quote from: Qld_Panther on December 17, 2012, 08:22:43 AM
If he is from Biloela then I think it is probably the pair I bought a few weeks ago  :yahoo:
hey mate i just spoke to him chasing some parts myself are an off the other day , he still has the bikes & only wants $1000 for the lot ,he is near Ipswich in a place called Boona  .his name is still Pete on 0407409968

cheers Brian
Dont you just love that special place of Beer,Bikes 'N' Bullshit !


Quote from: Qld_Panther on December 17, 2012, 08:22:43 AM
If he is from Biloela then I think it is probably the pair I bought a few weeks ago  :yahoo:

No mate thats not him these are in Ipswich
Dont you just love that special place of Beer,Bikes 'N' Bullshit !


Rang him Tuesday am supposed to be seeing them tomorrow but can't raise him on the Ph.


What a waste of time this pin head was, spoke to him on Tuesday and was all keen, tried all weekend to contact him , wasted all day today, rings late this afternoon oh they are not for sale, if  he should decide to re advertise them thru this forum by using a member please treat him with the disregard that he has shown here  :mad: :ireful: