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eBay Auction Link Posting Discussion

Started by Marsh White, August 22, 2009, 06:07:23 PM

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Do you think members of this forum should Publicly post eBay links to desirable FJ Parts?

Yes - Post Away.
14 (40%)
No - Send a Private Message (PM) to members looking for it instead.
20 (57.1%)
I don't really have an opinion on the subject.
1 (2.9%)

Total Members Voted: 33


Quote from: ssuv93 on August 27, 2009, 12:06:19 AM

Hello all.  I think that we need to start a new post that will generate less controversy and emotion.  :ireful: :mad: I suggest: Obama's health care, the stimulus bill, pros and cons of republicans vs democrats, or the 2000 presidential election to name a few.  What say you, members? :bad:

Nah, none of the above. Too mainstream...

But if you really want to get people posting, how 'bout an OIL thread?  :rofl2:

(I use the generic Motor Oil available at my local supermarket... nyah! nyah! nyah!) :P
"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"


But if you really want to get people posting, how 'bout an OIL thread?  :rofl2:

(I use the generic Motor Oil available at my local supermarket... nyah! nyah! nyah!) :P


I prefer vegetable oil, used is best.
Jason Cox
2000 Honda CBR1100XX
1977 Ironhead
Sacto, CA.


Quote from: Ratchet_72 on August 27, 2009, 01:11:33 PM

I prefer vegetable oil, used is best.

I bet your bike smells like a fat girl! 
"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"

Marsh White

Quote from: the fan on August 27, 2009, 09:22:37 AM
Quote from: Marsh White on August 27, 2009, 12:18:20 AM
Nah...I'll pass on those topics myself!!!

I wanted to start a discussion on the topic...and it has been a GOOD discussion with MANY valid points from all sides.  Now that the topic has been formally addressed - I'm confident everything will work itself out in the end.  This is a self-policing forum for the most part; I like that.  No policies or rules needed.  I'm a firm believer that everything works out in the end!

There is, and never was going to be, any formal resolution.  The fact that we had a discussion IS the resolution!  Deep...I know...

So by that little comment we can assume Republican?

I'm pretty hard to pigeonhole actually.  I share many core beliefs with both sides...fuck me...what's a guy to do?


I think the best answer (and if you don't agree, you're a @#$%# and wrong) is that I don't have problems with someone posting ebay links to something that isn't their auction.

Oh, you were looking for xxxx, here's a link to one for sale right now!


I'm NOT cool with posting links to their own stuff for sale (vendors excluded, i.e., Randy et al).

Hi I've got crap for sale and I think I should advertise and drive the price up, instead of selling it to the guy who was asking about it a week ago...

See the difference?  I'm ok with it if it's someone who has like 10 spin-on oil filter adapters, say, here's the auction, they're $xxx and i'm obviously not trying to pit friends/aquaintances against one another.

Summary:  Helping someone by sourcing parts for him/her, good.  Screwing folks by trying to get as many bids as possible -> bad.


The internet provides an awsome resource to find parts.  It's the sign of the times and not going away anytime soon.

I would suggest that there be a seperate category area added just for ebay and craiglist postings.  Anyone selling or interested in buying from the internet could look/post there.

Continue the 'For Sale by FJ Member" and "Looking For Parts" categorys to FJ members as it is currently.

Of course if a member is looking for a part, then by all means help them out and send them the link to ebay.  In the past I was told of a part listed on ebay and it was very helpful.

I feel that just a random posting of ebay links is annoying, like a pop up ad.

1986 FJ1200


I like that idea Ozz. It would shorten the ammount of time I spend searching for parts  :good2:  and give me more time to ride.