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Conklin Update #4

Started by FJ Flyer, August 10, 2009, 10:42:33 PM

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FJ Flyer

The lastest:

Steve had his 4th surgery Saturday morning from 8am-1:30pm.  The doctor removed muscle from his inner thigh and skin from his outer thigh (both on his broken leg) and performed micro-surgery to place it in the hole in his shin where the break occurred.  He is in ICU where the nurses are checking the pulse on the surgery site every hour.  We're very grateful he has GREAT Doppler pulse sounds from this area 24 hours post surgery.  The surgeon said if this continues for 3 days post op the surgery he will call the surgery a success.  Our next largest enemy at this point is infection so everyone is being extremely cautious.  We're praying and know you are too.

The IV morphine and fentanal caused hallucinations so Steve has refused them as of last night.  He said he prefers the pain over the awful tricks his mind is playing on him with these drugs.  Today the doctor ordered oral medication for pain which Steve says is helping.

He's still not eating, but has started to drink Ensure which is encouraging in itself.

Steve's swelling is still present but I can see some improvement even if slight.  He's working on his arm & hand coordination and that's coming along as well.  I'll sure he'll be ahead of his class when he goes to rehab as he has the will and determination to get back to his old self again quickly.  He still has no memory of the accident which is probably a good thing for right now.

We are taking it day to day and don't know anything definite yet as to when or where his rehab will take place.  I'll keep you all posted. 

I'll write again when there is more to share.  Thank you for all your continued support and prayers.



Janie also reported Sunday that Steve might be moved out of ICU to a recovery area on Monday or
Tuesday for about a week. The cards received at the home address are being forwarded
to the Roanoke, VA hospital for Steve while he is in recovery. Per Janie's request please continue
to send all Cards and well wishes  to his home address

Chris P.
'16 FJR1300ES
'87 FJ1200
'76 DT250

Wear your gear.