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Father / Daughter Ride Today - pic

Started by Lotsokids, July 28, 2012, 01:23:10 PM

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Went on a 40-mile ride with my daughter today. That was awesome. She's a good passenger.

That's an 11th-century castle on the hill on the right.

U.S. Air Force sport bike instructor (initial cadre), 2007-2009

I'm an American living & working in Hungary


IMHO if you took her out in just a pair of shorts then your a muppet! :ireful:
A life has been well lived, if you have planted trees under who's shade you do not expect to sit.

I'm told I'm cynical, pessimistic and generally miserable. I say that I'm realistic! The fact that reality sucks is not my fault!


25 yrs ago I was riding a Yamaha and my buddy was on a Honda to the present he's on a Honda and me on a Yamaha,only difference is we have our teenage daughters with us.
2009 FJR 1300
1992 FJ 1200
1987 FJ 1200 Sold
1986 FJ 1200 Sold
1985 Venture Royale
1976 GoldWing
1986 FZ 750
1986 GPZ 900
1984 Honda Nighthawk S 750
1982 Honda Nighthawk 450


Well done, bet you both had fun, eh?
Your daughter has a cool daddy.
Cherish these fleeting times, they are over all too soon.
In my opinion, what you both choose to wear has absolutely nothing to do with me, nor is it anyone else's business.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.

yamaha fj rider

Congrats nice FJ, it's great your daughter like to ride with you. Keep it up and have fun!!!!  :good2:

93 FJ1200
FJ 09
YZ250X I still love 2 strokes
Tenere 700


HAving your kids ride with you are a special time that is gone too soon.
Enjoy these times while you can!

"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200


At what age do people normally start having their Daughters/Sons ride with them ?
I can't wait to get my boys on the bike with me, but they are still too young to understand the concept of it yet.
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200


Quote from: Firehawk068 on July 29, 2012, 10:34:51 AM
At what age do people normally start having their Daughters/Sons ride with them?
I can't wait to get my boys on the bike with me, but they are still too young to understand the concept of it yet.

Each child is very different, even within the same family. I had my son riding on the back once when he was about 8 or so. A couple miles down the road he FELL ASLEEP. I felt his helmet slide across my back to the right, and I caught him. He didn't think it was a big deal - he just said, "I was pretty tired." That could have turned out badly and very thankful it didn't!!!

I don't know if there is a good answer for this one. Just have your senses tuned to the maturity of the child.

...and yes, I know it's not the ideal clothing. But we were on deserted roads and slow speeds. I felt the risk was very low.
U.S. Air Force sport bike instructor (initial cadre), 2007-2009

I'm an American living & working in Hungary


Quote from: Firehawk068 on July 29, 2012, 10:34:51 AM
At what age do people normally start having their Daughters/Sons ride with them ?
I can't wait to get my boys on the bike with me, but they are still too young to understand the concept of it yet.

I started my kids off at age 3.
You meet Cory, my oldest.
That's him on  the back and already has 3 years of riding with me under his belt.
My youngest, Curtis sitting in front, is just starting off with us at the time of this picture.
We'd ride around town, 3-up, like this several times during the summers.

These were wonderful times for me and sorry to say, that they are far to big to ride with me like this anymore.

This last picture was on Fathers Day 2011.
As you can see, we just don't fit the ol Suzuki like we used too! LOL!

Curtis used to fall asleep sitting in front of me.
That kid is still like that to this day, he can sleep almost anywhere!
"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200


This is an awesome thread.. Good on you guys for getting your kids on your bikes. As a child the highlights of my school holidays would be when we loaded up our family car and trailer with gear, Mum and my sis would drive that and I'd jump on the back of Dad's Honda FT400 and we'd meet them at the destination. Rides around the empty field next door when I was 4 or 5 are also well remembered by both me and all my friends who constantly pestered me to ask Dad to get the bike out on a Saturday..

After 4 years of fertility treatments and a round of IVF earlier this year,  I will be a father myself to our eagerly awaited little girl in October. I hope like hell when she's old enough that she too will enjoy spending time with her old man riding, and with any luck I might one day I might even pass on the FJ if she ever wants some wheels of her own...

They say a family that eats together stays together, I reckon a family that rides together stays together...

'92 FJ1200 - '07 to present
'83 VF750S Sabre - '04 - '07
'87 VT250FG - '94 - '98


Quote from: Lotsokids on July 29, 2012, 02:51:04 PM
Quote from: Firehawk068 on July 29, 2012, 10:34:51 AM
At what age do people normally start having their Daughters/Sons ride with them?
I can't wait to get my boys on the bike with me, but they are still too young to understand the concept of it yet.

Each child is very different, even within the same family. I had my son riding on the back once when he was about 8 or so. A couple miles down the road he FELL ASLEEP. I felt his helmet slide across my back to the right, and I caught him. He didn't think it was a big deal - he just said, "I was pretty tired." That could have turned out badly and very thankful it didn't!!!

I don't know if there is a good answer for this one. Just have your senses tuned to the maturity of the child.

...and yes, I know it's not the ideal clothing. But we were on deserted roads and slow speeds. I felt the risk was very low.

:flag_of_truce:  I didn't mean to come across all judgmental but I work in Accident and emergency (ER) for those in the US, and when we have kids come in with crash injuries and it takes me days to get the sound of their screams out of my head. I would hate to think of what could happen to your petty young kid if you had a spill.  I could (but won't) post up pics of some of the injuries I have treated, im sure you folks can imagine  :bad:If I thought I could do it with out getting nicked by the police, I would happily ride wearing nothing but my Hugo boss aftershave and a cool pair o shades! So I don't want people to think I am being hypocritical it's just that to make sure we can cherish these cool memories, we need to look after those that are special to us!  :i_am_so_happy:

I can't wait to take my kids out when they are olde enough, especially my middle one, he is bike mad!

Promise me you will at least stick her in your jacket n trousers next time! U can always roll up the sleeves and trouser legs. :drinks:
A life has been well lived, if you have planted trees under who's shade you do not expect to sit.

I'm told I'm cynical, pessimistic and generally miserable. I say that I'm realistic! The fact that reality sucks is not my fault!


Those are some classic pictures of you, and your boys...........
I should see if my two would even sit on the FJ with me long enough to get Mrs. H to take the picture.........maybe an attempt soon.
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200


I love motorcycling with my kids... This was taken going to Road-America with my then 8 year Nicholas. (14 now).

Here he is on the back when he was about 4.

Great thread, lotsa memories!

John S.

'84 Yamaha FJ1100
'89 Yamaha FJ1250 (XJR top-end)
'94 Yamaha WR250
'80 BMW R100S/Sidecar
'39 BSA WM20


Quote from: Klavdy on July 28, 2012, 09:48:46 PM
Cherish these fleeting times, they are over all too soon.

What Klavdy said.  A couple summers ago my son was home on leave and my daughter home from college.  I had a BMW RT at the time along with the FJ.  The wife and I actually got the two of them to go on a ride with us.  My daughter had the sense to bring a camera.  Nothing really special about the pics to the casual viewer, but awesome memories for me.  The stars and planets may never again align to permit a family ride like this.  When my daughter was in high school I picked her up from every soccer practice on the bike - until she started driving.  She not only was not ashamed, but she loved it.  She was a natural passenger from the start.  I kinda envy you guys with younguns still at home - and on the way.

Me and the wife leading on the beemer.  Does this bike make my wife's butt look big?

The wife smiling for the camera - I think.

The kids hamming it at the lunch stop.
Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought.


my daughter loved to ride with me from a young age (8) would go around inside the house with her helmet on pretenting to be on the bike.
she has now growen up (21) and lives in another part of the world, when she comes home each in the summer for three months it only takes a couple of days before she asks if we can take the bike out for the day so i dont go to work, and with her on the back we take the fj wherever the road takes us. it these times that bond us.wouldnt change a thing.she has no interest in have her own bike or learning to ride one.

84 fj 1100
91 yx 600 radian