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Stroms & heat wave

Started by racerrad8, July 01, 2012, 10:03:18 PM

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I hope all of our Midwest & upper east coast guys are doing okay. I know one of of our guys has just had the power the power restored and the oak tree in his front yard is now resting on his house. My sister and her husband as well as my two young nieces and my mom who is back there visiting have been without power for three days and the temps have been over 100 with humidity about the same. They are staying in a hotel unit the power comes back on, but they are not expected to see that for several more days.

Take care and hope everything gets back to normal quickly.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


It's been hotter than hell here in Iowa.
90*+ temps with 100*+ heat indices with no end in sight.
And we are only starting into July, and August can be even worse!
I used to know what rain was, but it's been so long since we've had any, it may come as a shock seeing something coming out of the sky again.

Thank God for A/C!!!

"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200


Yeah, its been upper 90s/lower 100s here in Denver........for a week there, I thought I had moved back to Phoenix....we were 102-105 all week........ :flag_of_truce:

I hope everyone back east is recovering from the storms.............I remember being without power for 4 days back in NY some years ago....That sucked! I know what you guys are going through.....

Now if we could just get some rain to put out these fires!...................Make it RAIN up in here!
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200


Thanks Randy,
Day four without power, and no internet, cable or phone for 3 days. We were lucky as many around us have trees on their houses and cars. Sure glad I bought a generator a few years ago. We have the basics and luckily all is well... Never complain about the power bill its alot cheaper than filling the gennie with gas twice a day....

Eric M

"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"


Quote from: Yamifj1200 on July 03, 2012, 12:34:01 PM
Thanks Randy,
Day four without power, and no internet, cable or phone for 3 days. We were lucky as many around us have trees on their houses and cars. Sure glad I bought a generator a few years ago. We have the basics and luckily all is well... Never complain about the power bill its alot cheaper than filling the gennie with gas twice a day....

Eric M

I had more luck than Eric, we were out for 24 hours, but the house almost burned down because of our generator blowing up a power strip. Let me know if I can bring you anything Eric.


Smokin' hot - even here in Hungary. It's been in the 90's / 100's.

I looked up the forecast before going to work this morning. Zero % chance of rain through Sunday. So I rode the FJ, then caught a heavy thunderstorm and hail on the way home. THAT SUCKED!!! Thanks a lot, Mr. weather forecaster. :ireful:
U.S. Air Force sport bike instructor (initial cadre), 2007-2009

I'm an American living & working in Hungary