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Ban easyrider?

Started by Dan Filetti, January 12, 2012, 12:48:35 PM

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Should we ban easyrider?  (if it's not already done)

Yes, Ban the Punk -Don't Look Back
5 (23.8%)
Give Him a Trial Ban
1 (4.8%)
Offer a Warning and Wait and See/ Probation
5 (23.8%)
Leave the Poor Punk Alone, he Probably Already has Enough Probelems
2 (9.5%)
Don't Care, You Have Just Wasted 3 Mintutes of My Life I Will Never Get Back
8 (38.1%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Dan Filetti

Pardon if I'm stepping on toes Marsh, but I was curious as to whether we should ban 'easyrider'.  Seems like he's had a rocky start.  As some of you know, I'm fairly sensitive to 'forum citizenship'.   From where I sit, this guy has offered no content, has offered only surly, outdated criticisms and vapid reactionary responses.   I for one, would like to see if the groups thinks he needs to be voted off the metaphorical island.  (or does not care -option 5).


Live hardy, or go home. 

Mark Olson

I have chosen to waste my 3 minutes and vote. :morning1:
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


It looks like he may have just gotten on, stirred some shit, and then moved on to greener pastures.  If he does come back and acts like he was, then I say, we give him some "old school" schooling and then send him on his way.  "We don't need no punk-ass mofo hangin round no how"



So far I don't think he deserves this much effort and it seems kind of rushed to pass judgement after only 2 posts.  Granted, the 2 posts don't exaclty generate a very good first impression.  The choice of easirider as an ID would tend to indicate a v-twin mentality which would explain much of the attitude and difficulty with words longer than 4 letters.

He appears to be a fellow contryman of Klavdy.  Perhaps K-man can speak to him in his native language and convince him to play nice.



He's no mate of mine,sounds like a trolling dick.
You U.S blokes have no idea of just how lame the Aussie Hill Scoggin Biker dudes are,every caricature you'll see over there is amplified by distance and media imagery into a weird, dumbed down version of your basic, chaps wearing retard.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


He probably doesn't even own an FJ, but banning him after only 2 strikes seems like one strike too soon.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Nup, fuck him. If he can't come on here and be civil (for a while at least) he needs to learn some manners. :ireful:


cant remember if ive read any of his posts, , but completly agree with kladvy,s version of the chap wearing riders/steerers  :bye2:
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne

Mike 86 in San Dimas

See    I reckon that this thread contains his only two post...ever. So I decided not to vote. Entertaining stuff. Derserves the  (popcorn).


Quote from: fj11.5 on January 12, 2012, 07:40:35 PM
cant remember if ive read any of his posts, , but completly agree with kladvy,s version of the chap wearing riders/steerers  :bye2:
Missed this first time around..I had to go back and read it.   So klavdy says your Aussie road pirates are wild exaggerations of ours, who are already like cartoon characters..  trying to get my head around that. 


Thanks for the read,, one of ours for sure, wonder if he made it to bribie? Island  (popcorn)
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


I read his posts and think some of you are too thin skinned.

From the looks of it, he got the attention he wanted, no matter what you do, he already won.

Time to move on, far bigger issues, such as getting my fricking rear wheel aligned correctly.


I say keep him in the group for now if for no other reason than the entertainment value. He sure is living up to my buddy's definition of FJ owner's as F-ing Jerks! Besides, he makes the rest of us look reasonable and intelligent by comparison.

Ben Zwart
London, ON
1992 FJ1200
1977 KZ200