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removing fj engine

Started by cjv90, December 14, 2011, 02:15:18 PM

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Hey guys how would i go about removing my fj1100 engine??
"Ive got an arm like a rocket,cock like a bermese python,and a mind like a scientist" - kenny powers


Unhook everything (carbs, pipes, electrical stuff), unbolt the mounts, pop the frame lowers off, and it'll come right out.

It's a heavy bastard though.  Should take a slight rotation and then go straight down, you'll want at least one person helping you.

Pat Conlon

I like David's idea. Block up the engine. Disconnect everything. With a block and tackle lift the bike off the engine. Those engineers....
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Quote from: cjv90 on December 14, 2011, 02:15:18 PM
Hey guys how would i go about removing my fj1100 engine??

As Andy said and if you take the weight on a floor jack while unbolting it there is enough room to wheel the engine the out when the jack is lowered with bike on the centre stand.  You do not have to lift the bike off it.  While I do it without help it is indeed a heavy bastard and a helper would be better. If you intend to lift it onto a bench (recommended) you WILL need an assistant unless you have some sort of mechanical lifting device.
"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Thanks for the input guys. Really appreciate it.
"Ive got an arm like a rocket,cock like a bermese python,and a mind like a scientist" - kenny powers


A block and tackle from the ceiling... ok, let's be honest... a rope... will help significantly.  Not so much to lift the frame off, but to lower the motor more safely.  A protip here would be to put the bike on the centerstand atop something, a 2x4 or the like, as well as the front wheel.  That'll gain you a couple inches of clearance, and you'll very much be happy that you've got the extra space.


I just went through this myself.....did an engine swap about a month a pain....and I threw out my
I used a 3 ton floor jack.....two 1 ton jack stands and an engine hoist..........also bought a 90 dollar wheel chock from harbor freight and bolted it to my garage floor..........the easy part is getting out..........the hardest part is getting back in......the engine has to lean forward...but at the same time clear the frame.........easiest way I found is get your back end of the engine bolted in so that its stable but it is still able to lean forward and backward......and then use an engine hoist with tow straps to raise or lower it into position for your other brace bolts............and also have a friend help took me forever to get mine done..........then again im a novice at this


Quote from: chrisz29 on December 16, 2011, 01:57:00 AM
I just went through this myself.....did an engine swap about a month a pain....and I threw out my
I used a 3 ton floor jack.....two 1 ton jack stands and an engine hoist..........also bought a 90 dollar wheel chock from harbor freight and bolted it to my garage floor..........the easy part is getting out..........the hardest part is getting back in......the engine has to lean forward...but at the same time clear the frame.........easiest way I found is get your back end of the engine bolted in so that its stable but it is still able to lean forward and backward......and then use an engine hoist with tow straps to raise or lower it into position for your other brace bolts............and also have a friend help took me forever to get mine done..........then again im a novice at this

Keep it simple!  I recently removed and  refitted 2 FJ motors (the only two and no prior experience) with the bike on the centre stand, fairing on (contrary to the manual) using only a floor jack.  Balance it on the jack, steady it with one hand, wheel it under the frame ( yes, there's enough clearance) and jack it up. Sitting it on the jack (on a heavily folded towel) allows you to tilt and rotate it as required, which isn't much, while raising it. 5 mins from wheeling it under to rear bolt in.
"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Im at a disadvantage there......neither of my bikes have center stands....po's took them off........but yeah that would have made things easier.


All great info. Thanks guys. I don't have acenter stand either lol
"Ive got an arm like a rocket,cock like a bermese python,and a mind like a scientist" - kenny powers


One thing to check for is a mounting bracket for the stock exhaust collector.  It's right above where the center stand would be and is held on by two bolts.

It can get in the way when trying to remove the engine.