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Downunder Rally 2012

Started by The General, November 22, 2011, 02:30:40 PM

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The General

The Downunder FJ Rally is on!!!!!!    :yahoo:

When .............. Feb 11th  & 12th 2012             Where.......... The Sunshine Coast of Queensland.

Home of the Glasshouse Mountains, Mouthwatering Twisties, Green Lush Forests, Superb Ocean & hinterland refreshments. :drinks: :good2: :biggrin:

Just to whet ya appetites......go to.....    :dance2:

For those light of pocket, geographically challenged or recently hospitalised we even have pillion vacancies and a car pool strategy. Jetstar have organised flights for us at special rates eg Melb to Brisvagas $112 including return flights!!!!! (Perth $280 Return) (Tassie to Bris $298 Return!!!!) Hell they`ve even put together a deal for Yanks wanting to thaw out  :empathy3: (Incl Motorbike hire option when all spare Bikes have been allocated – Sorry,- Arnie already got mine) – --yeah that`s right just one whiff of a good bbq & we`ve suddenly got Green & Yellow Cake at the table.  :lol:  (9 FJ`s so far + 4 maybe`s – just from a bush whisper!!)

The venue...........

The Cost........$25.00 a head per night (+ we`ll split some tucker) – Lunch Saturday - Mapleton Pub.  Brekkie will be at Pete`s Bellbird Creek Café.   Lunch Sunday – (Probly) Woodford Pub or Mary Cairncross cafe . (Note: 3 of the available ride/routes are rated in the top 5 in Australia.  (Australian Motorcycle Atlas).They Include the Glasshouse Mountains, Glorious Mt Glorious & of Course the OBI Obi Range) :rofl:
To formalise you`ll be there, just add your name to the Downunder thread. You`ll also need to email your intent to with the subject headline FJ Rally downunder.   Doug  (popcorn)

`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


YEEEHAAA! :yahoo:

Count me IN!

Come on all you Aussie Fj'ers,The more the merrier!

Jeff P
Stay rubber side down.


I'll be there.  Just waiting for my wife to decide if she wants to ride pillon for the 2 days.



Sounds fantastic, count me in. I may have a job change in the wind so whether I'll have enough leave to bring my up my FJ depends on how that goes. So I could be just flying up and getting a rental bike. I'll know more in a couple of weeks. Very much looking forward to meeting you all!




I'm in as you know.. But is the accommodation booked and do they have a bar... :drinks:

1988 FJ1200
1991 FJ1200



It's looking more and more like I might be able to show my face.
I have realised my frequent flyers are up, and that I could probably borrow a bike off my cousin.
I'm quite confident I can scrape together a beer fund and con whoever I may be working for at the time that one of my relatives has come to their demise.

Life's pretty straight without twisties.


Sorry (General)Doug,I thought who the.... Is this junior member trying to suck the life out of me.Read more on your profile and want to say thanks for the private invite.Wish i could but as i have said,don't have a bike just a extreme of road (toy) buggy.Shame only live within 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. Just love the sound and power of this machine.Darrel M.

The General

Mates, we crossed the range today & checked out some alternate Downunder Rally venues (incl the Kenilworth pub - my kinda research :drinks:) and am pleased to tell ya the Kenilworth Homestead is the best.   :yahoo: We got a big Verandah, aircon, kitchen, Fridges, Bike petting area, a real aussie bar, a coupla big shady trees and an outside fireplace that`s lightable even in the standard fireban -according to our hosts, (Bikers too)  Hell they even asked if we want some kayaks to float down the River. (Also cater for us to be flexible with numbers and notifications, but the sooner we email them and arrange to pay $25 the better - ) - check out the links on the original Downunder Rally notice.

I took the shortcut home (I`ve Never seen it policed cause its One way and often zero traffic, where I encourage sensible safe riding :diablo: through smooth tropically lined twisties up the Obi Obi Range incl banked 20 & 40klm bends ++) and on pass the Mapleton Pub & also checked out the English pub at Montville on top of the plateau with more sensational views of the Sunshine Coast, before ducking down 15klms through the valley canopy that hides the trendy Palmwoods Pub......... I digress, sorry...........uuumhhh where was I, oh yeah, .... If ya fly`n & Hire`n, let me know when, cause you`ll be picked up at the airport with optional Pre & Post Rally campin at my place. We got some big beasties for ya to choose from (none of which will match your homeley fj all round) but we can do a deal, in Brisbane, if Noosa is a bit pricey (PM me). For those that are stay`n awhile the Gold Coast Bike Show is on the following weekend. If ya bike`s not goin or if ya only use the fj motor as a lawnmower or somethin, ya most welcome to join in anywhere, especially round the campfire. :drinks: Oh and yeah there might be a lotta lies, noise and testosterone, but ladies that ride bikes (incl pillions) are really really welcome. Doug (popcorn)

`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Damn!!! Now I really want to go...Sounds like my kind of fun. Take plenty of pics and vids, post em' up and make us seppos jealous.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side

The General

Quote from: fb747 on November 25, 2011, 03:11:27 AM
It's looking more and more like I might be able to show my face.
I have realised my frequent flyers are up, and that I could probably borrow a bike off my cousin.
I'm quite confident I can scrape together a beer fund and con whoever I may be working for at the time that "one of my relatives has come to their demise."

Uncle Kook here.
Can you get some time off work? Need you to be with me for major operation on the Sunshine Coast 11th of feb.  Doc reckons I`ve been bitten (downunder) by something that`s making my genitals swell. My heart races, Palpatations, Halucinary feelings of Gliding Grandeur, Voices in my head coaxing me to a firepit of uncontrollable gorging, drinking and slander.   
Anti Vanine requires me to remain upright, wear protective gear and a pad. Specialists attending include Motopsycopaths and Spannerologists along with my GP. Strife support system will be turned off Saturday evening.   Please be there.  :drinks:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka

The General

Hey Downunder adventurers. :yahoo:

Jetstar have just announced even cheaper flights for our downunder Rally.  :hi: Perth to Brisbane $129.00. (3 cents a kilometre!!!):shok:  Launceston (Tasmania) ta Brisbane $89.00. :dance2:  Melbourne to Sunshine Coast $69.00. :crazy:   Sydney to Sunshine Coast $49. (That's cheaper than the average taxi to the airport!!!!) :good2:

Check `em out at
(popcorn) (popcorn)
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Quote from: The General on December 02, 2011, 03:44:47 AM

Hey Downunder adventurers. :yahoo:

Jetstar have just announced even cheaper flights for our downunder Rally.  :hi: Perth to Brisbane $129.00. (3 cents a kilometre!!!):shok:  Launceston (Tasmania) ta Brisbane $89.00. :dance2:  Melbourne to Sunshine Coast $69.00. :crazy:   Sydney to Sunshine Coast $49. (That's cheaper than the average taxi to the airport!!!!) :good2:

Check `em out at
(popcorn) (popcorn)

Wow...thats a bargain....I wonder if they can squeez the fj in the cargo bay...I would save a heap of petrol money for beer money :drinks:
Stay rubber side down.

The General

Orrrr..... Ya could leave the bike here & fly back :diablo:I would of course store and ensure battery doesn`t go flat until your return - say late march (jetstar special applies till then.) ready for your pre Easter, Kookaloo holiday in the Sunshine State.  :good:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Quote from: The General on December 02, 2011, 03:44:47 AM

Hey Downunder adventurers. :yahoo:

Jetstar have just announced even cheaper flights for our downunder Rally.  :hi: Perth to Brisbane $129.00. (3 cents a kilometre!!!):shok:  Launceston (Tasmania) ta Brisbane $89.00. :dance2:  Melbourne to Sunshine Coast $69.00. :crazy:   Sydney to Sunshine Coast $49. (That's cheaper than the average taxi to the airport!!!!) :good2:

Check `em out at
(popcorn) (popcorn)

The bikes are being looked at hard right now. 1) BMW 1000 RR. Pretty pricey. Fast, very comfy, more leg room than the FJ1200, handles like a true sport bike, did I mention fast. VBMW high cost of maintenance and repairs, robbery and the price of engineering by Germans. 2) Speed Triple - Bargain price with discounts, pretty comfy and roomy, a tad, ok, a lot, ugly from certain angles, really good handling, fast enough like an FJ1200. 3) Yamaha R1, not comfy really for a big guy, handles, fast, can find them chaep.

If I found an inexpensive pre-owned 1000 RR, I would be temped.


QuoteUncle Kook here.
Can you get some time off work? Need you to be with me for major operation on the Sunshine Coast 11Th of Feb.  Doc reckons I`ve been bitten (downunder) by something that`s making my genitals swell. My heart races, Palpatations, Halucinary feelings of Gliding Grandeur, Voices in my head coaxing me to a firepit of uncontrollable gorging, drinking and slander.   
Anti Vanine requires me to remain upright, wear protective gear and a pad. Specialists attending include Motopsycopaths and Spannerologists along with my GP. Strife support system will be turned off Saturday evening.   Please be there. 

Dear uncle Kook,

Work is sporadic these days and I'm sure I can manage to organise a quiet period to help out with operation kookaloo down under. I can sympathise with you in your issues as I came down with a horrible case of hoonitis (very similar symptoms) not so long ago. Deliberations have concluded that the handbrake (her name is Sonya) will be joining us albeit twisty stuff :)

There is even possibility of a Mexican convoy heading north as a new steed is possibly on the horizon... More info on that soon, maybe.

Do these ridiculously cheap flights need to be booked asap or is this something that will be available for some time?

Sorry for my late response I've been busy sorting shit out, but now I can happily look forward to a few of these ones!!!>>>>>> :drinks:

Kind regards,

Life's pretty straight without twisties.