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Newbie considering an FJ on Ebay - need advice

Started by delling3, September 09, 2011, 11:21:42 AM

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Hello - 

Just joined the forum.  I recently sold my Yamaha XS750 which I restored and did a mild "cafe" job on.  Now looking for my next ride.  I like the sport/sport-touring segment, and ran across an 85 FJ1100 on ebay.  Mileage is a bit of a concern - about 48K miles.  How do these motors hold up mileage-wise?  Not really interested in having to do a major engine tear-down right now.  What things should I be looking for?




Expect a noisy camchain and starter chain.

If leakdown and compression tests are good, the motor's pretty stout.  Well cared for examples can run 100k or more.  By comparison, overheat it good and solidly just once, and it will want a rebore.  A compression/leakdown will show this.


i have personally seen one FJ with over 200,000 miles on it with orignial bore/rings.

these bikes are tough and bsides sitting in stopped traffic on  hot days it's really hard to kill'em

Lots of character (in a good way)  and easy to work on.

common issues are bent shift forks causing the infamous jumping out of second issue.... easy enough to fix with updated shift forks.

leaky clutch slave cylinder from lack of proper fluid maintenance

gunked up carbs from doing lots of sitting with fuel in them.

other than that just about bullet proof.

good luck with your search.

KOokaloo!  (starts at 6K RPM... in any gear!)


They are really good bikes and almost no amount of damage cant be fixed. mileage isnt really a problem
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling