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Best FJ to buy

Started by Rick, August 19, 2011, 03:46:51 PM

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Ready to buy my first FJ1200. Looking at a 1991. Probably want a 3CV or 3XW. Any reason not to buy a 91 or what woul you recomend?


Quote from: Rick on August 19, 2011, 03:46:51 PM
Ready to buy my first FJ1200. Looking at a 1991. Probably want a 3CV or 3XW. Any reason not to buy a 91 or what woul you recomend?

Rick you have stumbled upon what is widely agreed upon as the apex year of the FJ.  Others will soon be chiming in to back me up on this fact.


Good, that's what I was hoping to hear.Forgot to ask about price,
1991, 62000 km asking $3000 (new tires, chain sprockets, V&H exhaust) Very clean.
Also lookin at a 1992, 85000km asking $2300 , has ABS ,good or bad? This one is in rougher condition.
Note these prices are for Ontario Canada.


Depends on what you want to use it for. 


The 1100's are more fun  :pardon:

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


The 1984 FJ1100 is the best looking and the fastest, everybody knows that.  (popcorn)


I don't know if the 84 1100 is the fastest, but I know it smokes my wife's 90 1200. Damn it though, hers looks sweet! I need more windscreen to get behind. I'm too old to lay on the tank for long on the 1100. Looking for better coverage screen.
Mike Sweeney
83 CB1000C, SOLD
84 FJ1100, in little pieces, for powder coating, FZR1000 Front
Fork Mod and Trans repair!
12 Road Glide Ultra



The 91 (and on) are the smoothest (with rubber mounted engine), the heaviest, have the largest fairing and screen.  I'd buy the one with the least milage, and in the best condition.  The ABS is fine if it still works, very expensive if it doesn't.  IMO, minor changes in fast between years can be "fixed" with gearing and tuning - Plus all years FJ will land you in jail if you push that "fastest" tag too hard. :-)
I'm biased as my '91 now has 130,000 kms and still runs strong.


E Double

Quote from: nvmike24 on August 19, 2011, 06:18:47 PM
I don't know if the 84 1100 is the fastest, but I know it smokes my wife's 90 1200. Damn it though, hers looks sweet! I need more windscreen to get behind. I'm too old to lay on the tank for long on the 1100. Looking for better coverage screen.

I have a Gustafsson touring screen that was on my '84 for about 5 hours.  I can't stand it;  It high enough that I lose my helmet venting yet not tall enough for the air to clear my helmet.  It was pure noisy hell.  I'm 5'11", if you think you'll have better luck with it I'll let it go for a very, very good price.  PM me if you're interested.
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
    Oscar Wilde



Quote from: Rick on August 19, 2011, 03:46:51 PM
Ready to buy my first FJ1200. Looking at a 1991. Probably want a 3CV or 3XW. Any reason not to buy a 91 or what woul you recomend?

Really? Do you really want to go there?  :lol:
Of course my '89 is the best!



I have had 3 different 90 FJs and all were different.  The 1st one was by far the fastest and handled better than the 3, and at over 200k, looked like it had been thru the mill.  The one I have now (#3) is slower than the other 2 but handles better than the 2nd one.  The 2nd one was the prettiest of the 3 and faster than the one I have now.  

I love(ed) all 3.  The 90 is the same as an 89 except for the skin.  So, as far as the 91 being better?  Hey, it's a 20 year old bike.  Go with what is in the best condition and keep smiling because these bikes are nice.  

Just my opinion,



Also found a 93 with 37000km. says wheel bearings have been relaced. Would that make sence?
How can you tell on a 20 year old bike if 37000 isnt really 137000?


I love my 91, pink stripe and all.
I would stay away from any ABS model, just more crap to deal with down the road when it starts giving trouble.
The bigger fairing is what I was after when looking for my FJ, and the rubber mounted engine was a plus.
It's been proven here, that no FJ stays 100% stock for very long, so whatever you get, you make it your own, I sure have!


PS, the 91 -93 FJs were the best, everybody knows that! LOL!
"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200


Stay away from the 91's they just keep going and going, hardley anything to ever do to them.. You might not like them....

LOL good luck on your bike.... the 91's are ok...
BTW I really like mine
Eric M

"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"


You can't, really.  What I look for is the over all condition. Is there rust deep in the bike?  Has she been loved or just left in the corner for time and neglect to take it's toll.  Even though my first bike had over 200k, she was still a nice bike, just cosmetics. 

So, you have to look in places like under the seat, check out the rubber parts (hoses and grommets/seals), carbs, air cleaner, things like that.  Also, how well will she will pull from 3K rpms to redline?  Any weird noises in the drivetrain? Brake lines and rotors are in good shape?  Any leaks???  I am sure others have some more to add but those are the things I look at with a used bike.  But expect a varity of sounds from her from start to full warm.  All my bikes made a lot of noise when cold.  On my current FJ, the clutch pack sounds like a tile saw when cold.

These bikes are rugged and will last a long time, even with some neglect.  You'll know her when you see her....
