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Started by Sideburns, August 13, 2011, 07:58:25 AM

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My name is Teddy. I live in the Netherlands so you may keep any spelling mistakes you can find  :good2:

I'm 38, and a longtime member of the Dutch FJ1200 forum.
I own a 3CV FJ1200. It is my first and only bike I have ever owned.

Originally it was black with a red/purple/blue band.
I have slightly modified it during the years.
I will try to put some pictures up.

Hope put read and post some nice topics!



Welcome to the party Teddy

We like pics

Bob W
84 FJ 1100
86 FJ1200
89 FJ1200
5  FJ POWERED race cars
76 LB80 Chappy
93 KX500 ice for sale
00 KX500 ice/dirt
04 KDX220 dirt for sale
04 KX500 ice
08 KLX450 ice/road
72 CT90x2 for sale


Welcome to the group Teddy.

It's good to have you around .  :good2:







G'Day mate,
you'll need to put the photo address in between the  img]  http://tags,


Gives you this,,,
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.

Dan Filetti

Quote from: weymouth399 on August 13, 2011, 08:38:06 AM
We like pics

Leave the man's girl friend out of this Bob!

Live hardy, or go home. 


thats badass.... i've always been a big fan of the bumblebee colors/pattern.

nice work.  :good2:



Very bad ass and yet cool looking bike.  :good2:  Tell us more about what's done to it...
Nitrous is nice but I'd rather be blown.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. -Anais Nin


 Pictures of my wife? I'll ask but don't count on it   :rofl:

The bike:
3cv frame
1tx forks front and rear. extra brace welded on the rear fork
WP springs in the front fork.
öhlins rear spring

Marvic 17" rearwheel
Ducati front wheel

Brembo cast-iron discs and callipers front (best upgrade I can recommend  :good2:)

I also used the best parts that Honda offer:
Plastic is imitation RFV750rr
Tank is Fireblade
Mirrors are SP1

Best for last: the engine
original bore with standard pistons standard compression
head is ported and flowed for Keihin FCR's
It has camshafts that have been cut 1mm of the diameter. More lift and they stay open longer.

It runs 124,8 real horsepower on the rearwheel on a Jaros dyno.
For comparison: A 2001 Hayabusa only manages 138 hp on the same dyno.
Max torque is at 7400
max power is at 9700

Bad news is that it'll only do 10 kilometres per liter of fuel.

I'll take some more detailed pictures and post them


Sweet ride I am especially interested in the plastics, but welcome to the group :good2:
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling


Thanks all!

I hope to contribute to the site.

Somewhat more about me?

I live in the Netherlands, but I was born in the U.S. in Kansas City Missouri
I lived in a small town called Appleton City for three years before my parents moved to the Netherlands.
My mother is American, my dad Dutch.

I like riding dikes, which we have a lot of in the Netherlands.
I'm, off course, talking about the earth walls that keep the water out, not talking about women who .......  :pardon:
This very dike:

Waalbanddijk Time Attack
This is not me, this bikes is missing a few cylinders.

Anywayzz Thanks for all the compliments !
Asked the wife for the picture. Still not talking to me.........


Quote from: Sideburns on August 16, 2011, 02:18:48 PM
I like riding dikes, which we have a lot of in the Netherlands.

Seems that we have quite a number of dykes here in the States, too, although I can't say I've ever been tempted to ride one of them. I think that in most cases I'd prefer to "shake hands with the mayor" or simply go without.

Of course, that's just my opinion.


That video was very interesting.
If it were not for the cars on the road, it would have been hard to say which side of the road you guys drive on, because that rider was all over the place, and meeting ALOT of hazzards!
Makes my riding look very controlled, in comparison.

Wow. Just wow, and not in a good way.
I was holding my breath waiting for the pile-up.

"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200