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First long ride of the season.

Started by RACER111V, May 25, 2011, 09:57:56 PM

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 After spending the winter getting the bike the way I wanted it,it was nice to lay down some miles.I have been commuting to work (40 miles round trip) a few days a week.It's been cold and rainy most every day this spring.
My first impression was the steering was too quick.This thing has so much more front wheel bite than the stock bike had it feels darty.But I decided to put some time on it before I made any changes.Now after riding it for a while including rain so hard I couldn't see the dash on the bike I'm glad I didn't change anything.The ride is so stable and predictable that my "fun" roads are a little boring now.
Anyway,I took a ride up to Devilsbowl speedway in West Haven VT. I mapped out several routes and decided that the minimum amount of route number changes the better. Mapquest said 152 miles / 4 hours each way.This included only about 20 miles of divided highway.The weather was supposed to be in the 70's and sunny in VT and the 50's and cloudy/showers in NH.Sounded good to me.
When I left at 8am it was almost 50 and drizzly.After an hour of that I was starting to question my decision.Once I crossed into Vt it started to clear and get warmer.I turned up the pace a little and the bike did everything it was supposed to.I did all most get thrown over the bars once by underestimating the power of warm tires and rotors.That was with two fingers.I may need to learn to only use one.I didn't make my self imposed average of 50 mph.But I only missed by a few.
I got my first sunburn of the year, and got to watch some good stock car racing.I wanted to get home before dark,but i didn't hit the road until 6:30. I did get followed for about 5 miles after dark by a local cop but he never hit the blues , so I guess my led tail light passed johnny laws test.
The next thing is to make the seat taller and more comfortable.We have a local do seats for our customers, so I think I'll see what he can come up with.Other than that I am very happy with the bike.


Excellent reporting. I expect a few stoppies for the rally! Helluva job making all those mods in one whack and getting it roadworthy so soon.
Put on a couple hundred myself last Sunday.