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Cleaning up a S/S header

Started by pdxfj, April 06, 2009, 11:41:43 AM

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I have a stainless header that is in need of some attention.  The bike it was on had a leaky cam cover gasket so it dripped oil onto the header.

So there are some burnt on oil stains on it that would be nice to remove.  What do the polish experts recommend?  I've tried a few different things, but not much luck at the moment.  I'm guessing some fine wet/dry sand paper then some polish?



Bad news.
There's a lot of labour involved to get it shiny and clean. I just did my Super Trapp. I used 120 grit sand paper and then finished it off with an abrasive cloth. I kept the grain the same as factory. Meaning around the pipes not up and down. Up and down the length is easier, but the finish is nicer going around the pipes. There is no cleaner to spray and hose off like mag wheels. I spent 4 hours doing this, but I like it now. Eventually the pipes will get a dull golden colour from the heat.



The amount of burned oil was quite heavy and I was having a difficult time finding anything to remove it with out buggering up the stainless.

What I ended up doing was using a scotch brite pad with Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish to removed the burned on oil.  Then a clean pad and more Mothers polish with the grain of the metal to buff out any scratches.  Finished up with Shimichrome and the entire system came out looking really good.  Headers turned the nice gold color after a while.

Thanks for the tips.  The polish Frank posted looks really interesting.


the easy cut took every bit of the burned on junk off my pipe....i applied it using a scotchbrite pad, scrubbed a bit, let it set and then wiped it off.... could get much easier.

the final shine works wonders also on wheels and the rest of the exhaust system....... makes aluminum and SS shine like new money.

