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Started by Fred Ward, October 18, 2010, 10:08:04 PM

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Get well soon, ya knob!



I may not know ya, TRoy, but I know how it is when a fellow forum member falls ill.
Get well soon for your sake as well as for those that love you!

"I want to be free to ride my machine without being hassled by the "man"!
91 FJ1200

Mark Olson

damn it , that sucks .

T-roy you have my best wishes on a quick diagnosis and remedy, keep your spirits up and think of riding your fj over a cool mountain pass with no traffic.  :gamer:
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"

the fan

Just got off the phone with T-roy. He is feeling much better this afternoon, eating solid foods and getting ready to move out of ICU into a more comfortable room. Fred has kept me updated and T-roy is very appreciative of all the good vibes sent his way. I will let him describe what happened when he get out, but it sounds like it was a pretty traumatic experience.


Thanks Bill, thats great news to hear TRoy will be getting out of ICU. I hope he can make a total recovery and be back to normal soon...
Thanks for the update big guy..

Eric M

"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"



Troy, lots of good thoughts headed your way, buddy. Hope you mend well, fully, and quickly!


TRoy, Your in my prayers get well soon.

the fan

Got a message from T-Roy last night and he is now out of the ICU. Looks like he may be going home tomorrow.

I will be heading out soon to pay him a visit, pass on your messages and eat greasy fast food in front of him...I may even sneak in a cold beer.

the fan

Forgot to mention T-Roy is at Cabell Huntington Hospital room 5910 pretty sure he has a phone in his room, if not give me a call on my cell and I will give you his number.

8 five 9 - 486 - zero 5 four 9


Quote from: the fan on October 20, 2010, 09:06:21 AM
Got a message from T-Roy last night and he is now out of the ICU. Looks like he may be going home tomorrow.

I will be heading out soon to pay him a visit, pass on your messages and eat greasy fast food in front of him...I may even sneak in a cold beer.

Very good to hear!  Get well tRoy!!
Rich Baker - NRA Life, AZCDL, Trail Riders of S. AZ. , AMA Life, BRC, HEAT Dirt Riders, SAMA....
Tennessee Squire
90 FJ1200, 03 WR450F ;8^P


Bloody hell,
That's no good mate, being in the sick house sucks.
You get outta there just as quick as you can,people get crook in those places and the clothes they insist you wear, really.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.

the fan

T-Roy was wearing an FJ rally T shirt yesterday.

the fan


T-Roy called a short while ago and talked to me and Jon Cain, He is home and feeling better, but still getting used to his meds. He plans to go back to work Tomorrow on a limited basis.


Good news Bill.

Don't overdo it back at work tRoy...... give yourself a chance to heal.

FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.


Dear friends!, thank you for your prayers & wishes  :good2:

Sliding back into work this morning, actually feeling pretty good!  ..won't be over-doing it, no worries.

Saturday, noon... got a little croupy for a short spell and coughed up just enough blood in a loogy to make me go hmm... Kate & me went about our day as usual, even worked a few hours, little or no blood, and no pain or sickness.

Saturday, ~10PM... all at once I feel really croupy, like I have pneumonia, and start coughing up serious amounts of blood.. thick, rich bright blood. A couple minutes later I feel like I am drowning in blood, like its filling my lung(s) faster than I can cough it up. Pretty scary. A call to Regina and she is there in a few minutes to take me to the ER. The leak intensifies and I am pretty much choking on blood, spewing blood when I cough and its now basically running out my nose & mouth. Did this for a few minutes then it pretty much stopped by the time I get to ER (~40 mins) and I have filled up a styrofoam cup with blood. I am admitted to the hospital, scheduled to see the pulmonologist sunday. Still no pain or sickness. I have high blood pressure, 170/110, get on HCTZ and brings it into spec.

Saturday night goes by with little or no fresh blood, just darkened blood left over from the flood. Still no pain or sickness. Sunday goes well, little or no blood, lots of tests, scans, xrays etc...they can see some leftover blood in my left lung, right lung is clear... but there are no signs of all the regular stuff that causes blood in the lung. All my scans xrays and bloodwork come back negative. No cancer, no this no that... the only thing thats out of the ordinary is the presence of the old blood. Sunday I must have talked to 12 doctors. They pull the team together for consultation with me and have me scheduled for a broncoscopy Monday morning. I'm instructed to not eat past midnight. Still no pain or sickness.

Sunday ~10PM: I'm sitting in bed and it comes again, this time stronger than before, and the medical staff is there to witness.  So they start moving real fast and eyes get big. They start calling around getting people out of bed and within an hour or so I am in SICU on the table under about 15 people and starting anesthesia preparing for the broncoscopy. The blood flow has stopped. Next thing I know I kinda wake up while they are still in there!  I can feel the scope, however I don't feel it in my chest/lung, I feel it up the left side of my face/neck/head! Its a very weird sensation! Oh well, little more drugs and I'm back to sleep. I wake up several hours later in a dark room and a couple sexy nurses.  I am sick as a dog with a major pounding headache like none I've ever had before. I am just able to talk/listen to the Dr's, all they saw in there was the leftover blood... no source, no nothing (no diagnosis). Its a mystery.

Major nausea and headache stayed with me for about 36 hrs, couldn't even keep down ice/saliva, sometimes I would go ahead and force down some ice/water just so I could go ahead and vomit & heave it out so I could feel better for a half hour or so. Figure it was my first ever anesthesia and not-empty stomach that made me so sick.

I finally came out of this tuesday afternoon, and started eating and drinking a little, by tuesday evening I was well enough to be moved out of SICU. No blood since sunday night.

Wednesday I'm feeling OK, eating everything in site, brother Bill comes to visit gets to meet part of the family, life is good!  :good2:

I continue feeling better & better, no more blood. They continue doing lots of bloodwork scans xrays at least twice a day, looking for something to find... nothing.

They let me go yesterday at noon, and here I am. Feeling good, got a new daily pill for bloodpressure, finishing up some steroids and precautionary antibiotics.  And several Dr visits and bloodwork scheduled over the next couple weeks.

No blood since the 2 episodes Sat & Sun nite. So I'm getting back to life with a mystery & crossed fingers. And I'm taking better care of myself.

Again, thanks to everybody for your prayers & wishes! Peace & Love! Gotta get to work!  :good:

Peace & Love
86FJ 100K+