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GSXR mirrors - I can finally see behind me.

Started by Aaron, March 27, 2009, 08:23:00 PM

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Here's some pics of GSXR1000 03-04 (or SV650S 03-06) mirrors on my 92. I had to use original mounts, and be forwarned, EMGO uses permanent treadlock on the shaft bolt of the mirrors. I had to torch them to get them loose. Needed one extra washer because the GSXR shaft is slightly smaller at the mounting bolt. The view is great, and the mirrors look alot cleaner since they don't use the CBR "style" boots. I do plan on painting the original mounts black, just have not had time to get some paint. EMGO numbers are 20-69771 and 20-69772. They are one of the cheaper replacement mirrors, I picked up both for under $40.

Paul Dodge

Aaron,i'll keep your conversion in mind. I broke the left mirror on my 90 FJ and was shocked at what Yamaha wants for a replacement!!!!! Yikes!!!! I'm having a pair of spare barweights bored & tapped to accept some barend mirrors. I've used them on other bikes & like them.  Wanted to say the black paint job looks great!  Paul

Dan Filetti

They look good on the FJ, nice mod. 

Funny thing is, I was a little dissatisfied with them on my GSXR750, they were stable but I had to tuck my shoulder to be able to see around it and really get a good loook behind me.  I bought some purpose-built mirror extenders off of fleabay for like $30 like this:

I have been really happy with my rearward visibility since.  The only side effect, besides looking slightly different, is that at +100 mph they do get a little more blurry than without.   

Live hardy, or go home. 


I put CBR mirrors on my '89. Much better view, except of my elbows! I
can still see em', but not as well as before ;-) It took a minor bit of
fitting on the zinc mirror base, below the boot.

A pair of Honda (2004 CBR1000R) mirrors for the FJ:
88110-MEL-013 (R Mirror)
88120-MEL-013 (L Mirror)

-- RKBA Regards,

Ed Thiele 
Simi Valley, CA -- I no longer have SoCal manners.
'89 FJ12C (Theft deterrent Silver/White)

- All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for
enough good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke


i bought these mirrors and no way in hell they would work. kinda sucks because i wasted the money on a pair of them.
any other mirrors out there i can try? with pics? since i went off faith on these and it didn't work out.