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New member in England

Started by Billy Bananahead, February 03, 2025, 04:44:54 AM

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Billy Bananahead

Hello everyone, thanks for having me. Just joined and glad to be here.
I've had a few FJ's over the years and on my 4th one now. It's a bitsa but a good 'un. I built this bike out of two dogs and some spares in my garage. XJR1200 rebuilt engine using the FJ gear selector shaft and clutch push rod. XJR1200 front end. Blue spot brake calipers. Powder coated frame.
I've got a few bikes and i'll post up a picture of my FJ as soon as i can resize it, too big at the mo'.
Looking forward to contributing to the forum and hope everyone has a great 2025.

Billy Bananahead

Should have also said that i sent the Hagon rear shock for refurb at their factory and also found and replaced the bearing, at a fraction of the cost that Yamaha ask for, that supports the top of the shock to the frame. Lovely bike to ride. Roll on summer. Just been out to the garage and the FJ was the only one that fired up since putting them all away for the winter. I have been out this winter a few times on my old CX500 but even that wouldn't fire up.


Welcome to the group, there's plenty of advice and tips on here, although not many active UK owners/riders - I'm sure I've seen pictures of your bike and read a bit about its history from you, in the Facebook UK FJ Group.

Whereabouts are you based? I'm in the Midlands (Rugby).

'89 FJ 1200 3CV - owned from new.
'89 FJ 1200 3CV - no engine, tank, bike for the future.
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - complete runner 2024 resto project
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - became a race bike, no longer with us.
'86 FJ 1200 1TX - sold to my boss to finance the '89 3CV I still own.


I also had my 10 year old Hagon shock rebuilt by then back in 2018. It only cost me £100 and they did it while I waited, at the their factory. There's a cafe round the corner and after talking to the Hagon guys and having a brief tour, I spent a couple of hours in the cafe, they're full English breakfast was great, before heading back to the factory and picking up my shock. The whole process took less than 4 hours from me handing over the shock, to them giving it back to me fully refurbished (and with a fresh 2 year warranty).

'89 FJ 1200 3CV - owned from new.
'89 FJ 1200 3CV - no engine, tank, bike for the future.
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - complete runner 2024 resto project
'88 FJ 1200 3CV - became a race bike, no longer with us.
'86 FJ 1200 1TX - sold to my boss to finance the '89 3CV I still own.

Billy Bananahead

Thanks for the welcome. I'm a bit further up the M6  from you near Stoke on Trent and yes i used to go on the FB page but just deleted my FB account because every time i posted on various pages it delayed showing my posts so kicked it into touch.
Hainault, where Hagon are at, is a bit far from me nowadays though 30 years ago i worked down in the Smoke as a despatch rider. I've got their shocks on all my bikes and are good value for money.



Surprised that I like the red frame  :good:   Spray the bodywork in white and black and I bet it will go very well. 

Billy Bananahead

Quote from: fj1289 on February 04, 2025, 07:52:09 AMWelcome! 

Surprised that I like the red frame  :good:   Spray the bodywork in white and black and I bet it will go very well. 

Thanks. I'm leaving the bodywork so that i can add whatever colours i like because on the V5 (registration document) i've got the colour down as "Multi-coloured".


I like it. somehow it all fits togeather. Well done sir!